every 12 hours biw twice per week a before (ante) ABG arterial blood gas ABT antibiotic therapy AD right ear (auricula dexter) ADH antidiuretic hormone ad lib as desired ADA American Diabetes Association am before noon (ante meridian)
强迫障碍是指以反复出现强迫观念为基本特征的一类神经症性障碍,强迫观念是以刻板形式反复进人患者意识领域的思想、表象或意识。这些思想、表象或意向对患者来说,是没有现实意义的,不必要的或多余的;患者意识到这些都是他自己的思想,很想摆脱但又无能为力,因而感到十分苦恼。 根据上述定义,下列属于“强迫障...
athis has led to a significant increase in the amount of UV radiation that people receive in activities UV radiation has consequently led to an increase in the incidence of skin -related disorders 지난 몇십년 동안에 성충권 오존층의 소모는 지구를 reachiing...
233AUTOSAR_TR_GeneralBlueprintsSupplement.pdf00Supplementary material of general blueprints for AUTOSAR 234AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary.pdfRAGlossary 235AUTOSAR_TR_HWTestManagementIntegrationGuide.pdfRASpecification and Integration of Hardware Test Management at start up and shutdown 236AUTOSAR_TR_ModelingShowCases....
athis has led to a significant increase in the amount of UV radiation that people receive in activities UV radiation has consequently led to an increase in the incidence of skin -related disorders 지난 몇십년 동안에 성충권 오존층의 소모는 지구를 reachiing...