$time_zones=timezone_abbreviations_list();$time_to_use='now';# just a dummy time$time_zone_abbreviations=array();foreach($time_zonesas$key=>$time_zone_array){foreach($time_zone_arrayas$key=>$info){$time_zone_id=$info['timezone_id'];$dateTime=newDateTime($time_to_use);$dateTime-...
HoT: Heal over time HPM: Healing per mana HPS: Healing per second HS/Hearth: Hearthstone IRL: In real life LOM: Low on mana LoS: Line of sight LW: Leatherworking MA: Main assist MAP: Melee attack power; rarely used Mats: Short for "materials"; refers to the ingredients in a crafted...
Abbreviations for resource types Define your tagging strategy Resource naming and tagging decision guide Move resources Design options for specific use cases Network topology and connectivity Security Management Governance Platform automation and DevOps Implementation options Align Enhance Azure landing zones ...
Jetlag: Jetlag will usually set in when you fly across more than three time zones or when you fly east. Your internal body clock becomes confused, as day becomes night and night becomes day. Symptoms can include fatigue, irritability, upset stomach, disturbed sleep patterns, grogginess, swoll...