and printers looked for ways to save space without diluting the message. Many abbreviations have become standard, including abbreviations for days of the week (Mon., Tues.) and months of the year (Jan., Feb.); common Latin terms (lb., e.g.); units of time and measurement (min., ft...
Abbreviations - Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists Four problems in English Chinese abbreviations dictionaries Response to Jolobe: 'Medical abbreviations generate potentially dangerous ambiguity'. Cannabinoid-induced alterations in brain disposition of drugs of abuse 1 1 Abbreviations: THC, tetrahydrocannabinol...
Abbreviation for commonly used drugs: English abbreviation medicine name 5Fu 5-fluorouracil 6MP 6-mp 6-mp ACV acyclovir ADR adriamycin APC compound aspirin azulin azathioprine BTX - A botulinum toxin CBZ carbamazepine Cef cefuroxime sodium CEL celilol CIP - CIP - CIP CLX cephalosporin CO - SMZ...
Learn about the metric system, examples of metric units, and what the metric system is based on. Also discover a list of metric units. Related to this Question What is a centimeter? What is a decimeter? What does CM stand for in medical terms?
1.Word-shortening is based on the metonymic thinking commonly existing among human beings and the process ofword-shorteningis by nature one of metonymic mapping between two linguistic units,including partial mapping in form and holistic mapping in concept.词语缩略基于人类普遍存在的转喻认知思维。
w/in within w/o without w/v weight-in-volume w/w weight-in-weight WBC white blood cells wk/wkly week(s)/weekly wt weight XR-FC extended-release film-coated MIMS ABBREVIATION INDEX This index lists abbreviations adopted in MIMS for commonly used words, medical terminologies and drug ...
Abbreviationforthe Centimeter-Gram SecondUnitofmeasurement. 厘米-克-秒制测量单位的缩写。 The size of gloves is given in oz (which istheabbreviationof"ounce", a Britishunitofmeasurement used worldwide for boxing gloves). ...
Rather than eliminating the use of QD for daily and U for units, and other shortcuts within the organizations it surveys, JCAHO is pushing to restrict abbreviation use in handwritten, preprinted, or in free text entry of pat...
ICUs Intensive Care Units Medical, Intensive Care, Health PACU Postanesthesia Care Unit Medical, Anatomy, BioengineeringWhat's Next? Explore Further…Discover Anesthesiology Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Anesthesiology Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore AMG Definitions:...
Intensive Care Units Medical,Anesthesiology,Intensive Care APACHE II Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II Intensive Care,Medical,Anesthesiology WIPO Weaning-Induced Pulmonary Oedema Intensive Care,Anesthesiology,Medical RSBI Rapid Shallow Breathing Index ...