An abbreviation(from Latin brevis"short") is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word "abbreviation" can itself be represented by the abbreviation "abbr." or "abbrev....
letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr. or abbrev. Contents [ hide] 1 History 2 Types of abbreviation 2.1 Syllabic abbreviation 2.1.1 Use in various languages 2.1.2 Syllabic abbreviations ...
shortenedformofaword orphrase.Usually,butnotalways,itconsistsofaletterorgroupof letterstakenfromthewordorphrase.Forexample,theword "abbreviation"canitselfberepresentedbytheabbreviation"abbr."or "abbrev." Contents [hide] 1History 2Typesofabbreviation o2.1Syllabicabbreviation 2.1.1Useinvariouslanguages 2.1.2...
They prevailed inGermany under the Nazisand in theSoviet Unionfor naming the plethora of new bureaucratic organizations. For example,Gestapostands forGeheimeStaats-Polizei, or "secret state police". This has given syllabic abbreviations a negative connotation, even though they were used in Germany bef...
They prevailed inGermany under the Nazisand in theSoviet Unionfor naming the plethora of new bureaucratic organizations. For example,Gestapostands forGeheimeStaats-Polizei, or "secret state police". This has given syllabic abbreviations a negative connotation, even though they were used in Germany bef...
They prevailed inGermany under the Nazisand in theSoviet Unionfor naming the plethora of new bureaucratic organizations. For example,Gestapostands forGeheimeStaats-Polizei, or "secret state police". This has given syllabic abbreviations a negative connotation, even though they were used in Germany bef...