Bachelor in Social Work B.S.W 社会工作学士 Bachelor of Technology B.T 科技学士 Bachelor of Law LL.B 法学士 Master of Arts M.A 文学硕士 Master of Accounting M.Acc 会计学硕士 Master of Arts in Education M.A.Ed 教育学文学硕士 Master of Architecture M.Arch 建筑学硕士 Master of Arts in...
AAAH Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health AAAH American Association of Alternative Healers AAAH Aromatic Amino Acid Hydroxylase AAAH American Association for the Advancement of the Humanities AAAH Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Home Server AAAH Airbus Approved Abbrevia...
JAS Jaish Ansar Al-Sunna (Islamist Armed Groups in Iraq) JAS Job Accounting System JAS Johnson Associates Software JAS Journaling Automation System (IBM) JAS Join and Stream (video networks) JAS Jharkhand Administrative Service (India) JAS JAG Automated System JAS Japan Aerobatic Academy JAS Junior...