OC Organic Carbon Hydrology, Medical, Health TP Total Phosphorus Medical, Environment, Health PCA Principal Component Analysis Medical, Technology, Health BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Health, Public Health, Medical CKD Chronic Kidney Disease Medical, Health, HealthcareWhat...
Chronic Kidney Disease Medical,Health,Healthcare What's Next? Explore Further… Contribute an Abbreviation:Have an abbreviation we haven't listed?Add your knowledgeto our database and help expand our community's resource. Follow Us on Social Media:Join our social circles onX,Facebook, andInstagra...
6hypertensionwithulcerdiseaseclonidine- 7stableandunstableanginapectorisnitroglycerin- 8calciumchannelblockersforvariantangina- 9acutemyocardialinfarctioncomplicatedwithventricular arrhythmiaslidocaine Cardiacarrhythmiasinducedby10glycosidespoisoning- phenytoin- 11sinustachycardia,propranolol- ...
CKD Chronic Kidney Disease Medical, Health, Healthcare BP Blood Pressure Medical, Health, Healthcare GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate Medical, Health, Healthcare PD Peritoneal Dialysis Medical, Nephrology, Renal AKI Acute Kidney Injury Medical, Health, Healthcare CAPD Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysi...
Discover Disease Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Disease Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore MDC Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for MDC, beyond just its connections to Disease. Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven't listed...
MS Mass Spectrometry Chemistry, Medical, Health TP Total Phosphorus Medical, Environmental Health, Environment PCA Principal Component Analysis Medical, Technology, Health BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Environmental Health, Health, Medical CKD Chronic Kidney Disease Medical, Health, HealthcareWhat...
Discover Disease Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Disease Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore ICS Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for ICS, beyond just its connections to Disease. Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven't listed...
TP Total Phosphorus Medical, Environmental Health, Environment PCA Principal Component Analysis Medical, Technology, Health BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Environmental Health, Health, Medical CKD Chronic Kidney Disease Medical, Health, HealthcareWhat's Next? Explore Further…Discover...
Explore EABS Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for EABS, beyond just its connections to Health. Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven't listed? Add your knowledge to our database and help expand our community's resource. Follow Us on Social Media: Join...
Contribute an Abbreviation:Have an abbreviation we haven't listed?Add your knowledgeto our database and help expand our community's resource. Follow Us on Social Media:Join our social circles onX,Facebook, andInstagramfor the latest updates, fun facts, and community interactions. Connect with us...