FPS First Person Shooter Video Game, Video Gaming, Entertainment GTA Grand Theft Auto Technology, Video Game, Video Gaming GG Good Game Texting, Chat, Social Media 00Z Command Sergeant Major Military Occupational Specialty designation War Force, Army, War DPS Damage Per Second Video Gaming, Video...
First Marine Logistics Group Services,Army,Military SNCO Staff-Non-Commissioned Officers Corps,Military,Sergeant SNCO Staff Non-Commissioned Officers Corps,Military,Sergeant CRO Combat Replenishment Operations Corps,Army,Services CRO Cognizant Regional Office ...
s sgt, Staff Sergeant, title3 s, South, direction sa, Saturday, weekday . . sd, South Dakota, state1 During the first pass through the text, which is performed by the text classifier procedure 136, the classifier marks the words S F as AUC (all upper case) and QUAL=city, and marks...
Cadet Staff Sergeant 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(9) Cadet Airman Basic C/AB Cadet Airman C/Amn Cadet Airman First Class C/A1C Cadet Senior Airman C/SrA Cadet Staff Sergeant C/SSgt Cadet Technical Sergeant C/TSgt Cadet Master Sergeant C/MSgt Cadet Senior Master Sergeant C/SMSgt Cadet Ch...
Explore the diverse meanings of SQMS abbreviation, including its most popular usage asSquadron Quarter Master SergeantinWW1contexts. This page also provides a comprehensive look at what does SQMS stand for in other various sectors such as Administration, as well as related terms and more. ...