电气常用英文缩写(Englishabbreviationforelectric)电气常用英文缩写(English abbreviation for electric)缩写全称中文 交流交流电 交流自动控制自动控制 ACA事故后果评价事故后果评价 ACB空气断路器空气断路器 故障、事故ACC事故 积累积累积累累计、蓄电池 太acourtic裂纹检测系统声裂纹检测系统 行为的积极的一面带电部件、...
电气常用英文缩写(English abbreviation for electric).doc,电气常用英文缩写(English abbreviation for electric) 缩写全称中文 交流交流电 交流自动控制自动控制 ACA事故后果评价事故后果评价 ACB空气断路器空气断路器 故障、事故ACC事故 积累积累积累累计、蓄电池 太
电气常用英文缩写(English abbreviation for electric) 热度: 模具英文缩写对照表(MouldEnglishabbreviationcomparison table) 模具模具 模芯离别的核心 局部视图局部视图 冷料#冷渣 线切割线e.d.m 轮廊轮廓 螺纹孔攻丝孔 连接件配件 斜针斜销 接合搞 替换镶件可互换模具镶件 ...
The abbreviationBLDCcommonly stands forBrushless Direct Currentmotors, which are electric motors that use direct current (DC) electricity and are designed without brushes, enhancing efficiency and lifespan. These motors are widely utilized in applications ranging from computer fans to electric vehicles due...
AC,alternating,current[electric]alternatingcurrent ACARS,ARINC,Communications,Addressing,and,Reporting, System ACCEL,acceleration,andacceleratemakegrowthfaster ACMaircyclemachineaircyclemachine ADCairdatacomputeratmosphericdatacomputer ADF,automatic,direction,finderautomaticorientationfinder ...
1.acronym(foundmental;mostcommom)Choosethefirstletterofeachwords E.g.UN(UnitedNations联合国)GM(geneticallymodified转基因的)BEC(BusinessEnglishCertificate商务英语证书)VIP(VeryImportantPerson贵宾)Attention ①someunimportantwords‵firstlettercanbeneglectedE.g.RSPCA (RoyalSocietyforthePreventionof...
AC in Internet Slang commonly refers to Alternating Current, an electric current that reverses its direction periodically, used widely in power supply systems. This term is also associated with various fields including Science and Engineering. Explore categories such as Science and Engineering for more...
Mainly used for power exchange, illumination electric, power and current rectify. Capacity: 0.5-100KVA Input Voltage: 660&380V Way of connection: Y or DeltaRemark: 1.More than 100KVA capacity, size, installation size special,order, please contact us. 2.Figure and size ca...
For instance, a reading area is divided into four parts by four square-shaped loop antennas 2a and the phase of the electric current of each loop antenna 2a of the four divisions is differentiated by 90°. This eases directivity peculiar to the loop antenna by rotating a magnetic field that...
Mitsubishi Electric assumes no responsibility for any problems caused to the NC system by any type of cyber-attacks in- cluding DoS attack, unauthorized access and computer virus. (2) Adjustments Do not adjust or change the parameter settings greatly as operation could become unstable. In the ...