The Zip Code has a four-digit modifier that, if you know it, narrows the address to a single mailbox. For example, the Zip Code for my office is 27703. But given the full zip code, 27703-8998, the post office can find the city, state, street number AND suite. Likewise, the Post...
This term is used for both doctors’ appointments and appointments to positions, like judicial or business roles. ASAP as soon as possible “Can I have that shipped ASAP?” ASAP was initially an uncommon initialism used in high-pressure environments, like on Wall Street, to request that a tas...
Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object 19 | I Will Remember How to Correctly Address Chinese People 21 | Strainer | Tourists' Tastes 22 | Let's Get Physical | Hibernation; Summer Bodies are Made in Winter 26 | Pitchfork | Letter from the UK; Declines, Threats & Nightmares 27 | Adverto...