AADAssociate Art Director AADAdvanced Ammunition Depot AADAuthorized AutoCAD Dealer AADAutomated Application Development(software development) AADAngolan Action for Development(Angola) AADAdmission And Disposition AADAffirmative Action Division(various local governments) ...
Abbreviationforthe Centimeter-Gram SecondUnitofmeasurement. spellmanhv.com spellmanhv.com 厘米-克-秒制测量单位的缩写。 spellmanhv.cn spellmanhv.cn The size of gloves is given in oz (which istheabbreviationof"ounce", a Britishunitofmeasurement used worldwide for boxing gloves). ...
(prefix for) surgy surgery surr surrender, surrendered, surrenders surv survivor, survive survey survey susp suspense, suspension swp sweep symbl symbol sys system systlc systolic t3 T3 (tax form) t4 T4 (tax form) t4rsp T4 retirement savings plan t5 T5 (tax form) tab tab taken taken ...
Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven't listed? Add your knowledge to our database and help expand our community's resource. Follow Us on Social Media: Join our social circles on X, Facebook , and Instagram for the latest updates, fun facts, and community interactions....
A former athletic director, he specializes in coaching young athletes and is now Head Coach for the Xianlin Warriors. In his spare time, he obsesses about Newcastle United Football Club. Nick McBride是一位来自英国的体能教练.他曾经是一位经验丰富 的体育指导员,他目前作为Xianlin Warriors的主教练,...