4 years ago FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ABBREVIATIONS Check the links below for Guidelines on HOW TO ABBREVIATE WORDS ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS and INITIALISMS SEARCH for ABBREVIATIONS of words Best Regards https://preply.com/en/question/abbreviation-for-four-times-a-day https://preply.com/en/question/...
4 years ago Contact tutor4 years ago FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ABBREVIATIONS Check the links below for Guidelines on HOW TO ABBREVIATE WORDS ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS and INITIALISMS SEARCH for ABBREVIATIONS of words Best Regards https://preply.com/en/question/abbreviation-for-four-times-a-day https:/...
TID(threetimesaday) Bid(twotimesaday) Qid(fourtimesaday) Qd/sid(onceaday) QN(nightly) HS(beforegoingtobed) AC(beforemeals) Pc(aftermeal) AJ(fasting) Am(morning) PM(PM) SIG(taggingusage) Two:drugabbreviations GS(GlucoseInjection)
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
every day qh every hour q2h, q4h every 2 hours, every 4 hours qhs every night at bedtime qid four times a day RN registered nurse R/O rule out ROM range of motion RT respiratory therapy/therapist or radiation therapy Rx prescription, take, treatment...
water NPO nothing by mouth O2 oxygen p.r.n./prn when necessary PO (per os) by mouth Pt/pt/Pt. patient q every q4h every 4 hours qd every day qhs every night at bedtime QID four times a day t.i.d./tid three times a day
医学名词英文缩写对照表(A medical abbreviation for medical terms).doc,医学名词英文缩写对照表(A medical abbreviation for medical terms) A medical abbreviation for medical terms Publication time: 2011-4-12 113037 source: Innovation Medicine Network Medi
a本文笔者就高中语文古代文学作品教学进行思考:从反思传统语文教育的弊端到回顾新课程改革的理论成果,再由反思新课程标准下的当下教育到提出自己的改良意见。笔者希望通过探究高中古代文学作品教学的历程,反思高中古代文学作品教学的利弊,从而追求高中语文古代文学作品教学的更进一步。 This article author ancient times the...
Most typically, this – or at least the abbreviation – is used when you wantto suggest or coax a close friend or a significant other to come out with you for some fun times. ㅅㄱ = 수고해 (sugohae) = Good job! When someone has worked on something hard and can be seen as...