BD Bachelor of Divinity BD Bangladesh (top-level domain name) BD Bermuda BD Blu-ray Disc BD Bound BD Base de Datos (Spanish: Database) BD Black Diamond BD Broker Dealer (securities firm) BD Band (German: Volume [books]) BD Bob Dylan (singer) BD Belly Dance BD Bis in Die (Latin: ...
The birth of Masin Mala James Dixon Six hundred miles away, her big sister was longing for the same thing. Sisters reunite through their love of books. (books N clubs) Rebecca Wright, 22, a shop manager, is the substitute big sister for a Glasgow girl, 12. OLD PALS ACT; McConnell ha...
television, commercials, and voice-overs. A seasoned narrator, she has garnered twoAudioFileEarphones Awards, an ALA Award, and three Audie Award nominations. Her narration ofLittle Beeby Chris Cleave was chosen as one of the Best Audiobooks of the Year byAudioFilemagazine and one of the Top...
BDBachelor of Divinity BDBangladesh(top-level domain name) BDBermuda BDBlu-ray Disc BDBound BDBase de Datos(Spanish: Database) BDBlack Diamond BDBroker Dealer(securities firm) BDBand(German: Volume [books]) BDBob Dylan(singer) BDBelly Dance ...
For example, after thoroughly reviewing the first three books of the Bible from a Wellhausean framework based on his Documentary Hypothesis, Sweeney rejects a key claim, that the priestly material is postexilic. Tanak: a theological and critical introduction to the Jewish Bible ...
The New Jerusalem Bible, which is distinguished for uniformly transliterating Y-H-V-H as "Yahweh" in the Hebrew canon, transliterates Yah only once (in Ex. Yah: a name of God This stone I have set up as pillar to be the house of God, and I shah faithfully pay you and ten part...
ABCAssociation of Black Collegians ABCAspiration, Biopsy, Cytology ABCAssociation of Brethren Caregivers(Organization of the Church of the Brethren) ABCAvailable By Cell ABCArts Books Crafts(various companies) ABCAnything but Caucasian ABCAdvanced Bar Code ...
BRFBible Reading Fellowship(various locations) BRFBois Raméal Fragmenté(French: Ramial Chipped Wood Fragments) BRFBusiness Rule Framework(software) BRFBlack River Falls(Wisconsin) BRFBitchy Resting Face BRFBioinformatics Resource Facility BRFBenchmark Report Format ...
MBIMontana Board of Investments MBIMaster Builder International(Colorado) MBIMandatory Building Inspection MBIMajor Budget Issue MBIMotorBooks Italiano MBIMedia Boston International MBIMat Bevel Institute(Tucson, Arizona) MBIMillimetre Bolometric Interferometer ...
CBTCommittee on Bible Translation(est. 1965) CBTCancer Biology and Therapy(journal) CBTCore-Based Tree CBTCitizens Bank & Trust(various locations) CBTCore Body Temperature CBTComing Back Together CBTCriminal Breach of Trust CBTColumbia Basin Trust(British Columbia, Canada) ...