In Germanic languages, the generic street ending is appended to the proper street name, for example, Fredrichstrasse. To deal with these special cases, theMaplex Label Enginerecognizes five special character strings that can be abbreviated when they are found in a longer string for a street lab...
For instance, you wouldn't say, "I went to the dr.," but rather "I went to the doctor." However, you can abbreviate things like "Ph.D." when it's not after a person's name. You abbreviate "Street" to "St." or "Terrace" to "Ter." You can find a list of standard street...
Replace Saint- with St- from an example street name of Rue Saint-Jacques. return Replace($, "Saint-", "St-") Create an abbreviation dictionary To create an abbreviation dictionary, complete the following steps: Ensure that theMaplex Label Engineis enabled. ...