Greg Abbott said he would hire any Border Patrol agent fired by the Biden administration after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said agents would no longer be permitted to use horses to guard the border in Del Rio, Texas. Criticism of mounted agents was widespread after a photograph ...
Abbott House is a private charity that provides residential treatment services to youth up to 21 years of age. The agency provides intensive treatment, foster care and independent living services in Mitchell and Rapid City, South Dakota. The Abbott House is truly dedicated to providing premier serv...
He graduated from the University of South Dakota, where he received a degree in mass communications. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, but prior to this he was Chairman for the Health Subcommittee for the House Ways and Means Committee. He’s also a ...
I don't understand how this one works. So if I want to steal your car, I go to your house and say, "Hey Bill, tomorrow, I'm stealing the truck." I guess I still get charged with grand theft auto, but I guess since I warned them I don't get additional charges? WHAT IS THE...