architectdocumentationmanualoperationsonline手册 AbbottLaboratories©1998,2007AbbottLaboratories AbbottPark,IL60064ARCHITECTisaregisteredtrademark ofAbbottLaboratories PatentsPending 201837-104 ARCHITECT® SystemOperations Manual(i2000, i2000SR,c8000, ci8200,c16000, ci16200) AbbottARCHITECT®SystemOperationsManual...
A direct relationship exists between the amount of AFP in the sample and the RLUs detected by the ARCHITECT i* optical system. For additional information on system and assay technology, refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 3. * i = immunoassay 2 REAGENTS Reagent Kit, 100 ...
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The processed human serum used in the ARCHITECT Progesterone • Calibrators is nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV-1 RNA or HIV-1 Ag, anti-HCV , • disposed of in a safe way.For information on safe disposal of sodium azide containing materials,• refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual,...
testing. • For a ed description of system procedures, refer to the ARCHITECT Storage System Operations Manual. • Specimens may be stored on or off the clot, red blood cells, or separator gel for • up to 24 hours at room temperature (15-30°C) or • up to 6 days at 2-8...
雅培 超敏心肌肌钙蛋白I检测试剂 说明书 ABBOTT hs cTnI.pdf,en STAT High Sensitive Troponin-I system 3P25 B3P250 G4-5779/R04 Read Highlighted Changes Revised November 2013 STAT High Sensitive Troponin-I Customer Service: Contact your local representative or
1.05M 文档页数: 8页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 4 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 医学/心理学--检验医学 文档标签: 免疫e2化学发光试剂说明书英文版 系统标签: estradiol英文版说明书试剂architectproclin system 1 en Estradiol 7K72 48-9132/R3 B7K720 ReadHighlightedChanges RevisedNovember,2009 Estradi...