Dr Conroy is Abbeycare Scotland’s clinical lead, and oversees the delivery of the medical and detox elements of the Abbeycare program at our Scottish clinic. Tel: 01603 513 091 Linkedin Douglas MacFarlane, Unit Manager, Abbeycare Scotland Tel: 0141 737 3200 Marie McGuire, Therapist, Abbeycare...
Inpatient rehab is drug and/ or alcohol treatment in a rehab centre, where patients remain on-site for the duration of inpatient rehabilitation. It includes detoxification from drugs, therapy (group work and 1-2-1 sessions), and aftercare planning. Inpatient rehabs typically last 28 days, but ...
Our team prioritise open communication, compassionate, and evidence-based treatment for the strongest possible start to your recovery journey. Our admissions team are ready to answer your treatment questions. Our medical team are ready to help you detox. Our clinic team are ready to welcome you to...
Abbey Medical Centre 350 米 Paisley Canal火車站 370 米 Saucel Hill 410 米 East End Park 410 米 Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church 430 米 這裏顯示的距離為地圖上的直線距離,實際距離或有不同。 住宿政策 小童及加床 歡迎小童入住 其他注意事項 歡迎預訂更多心水房型。請留意,若預訂數量超過...
Abbey Medical Centre 350米 佩斯雷运河火车站 370米 Saucel Hill 410米 East End Park 410米 Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church 430米 显示距离为地图标注的直线距离,实际路程可能不同。 住宿规定 儿童及加床 欢迎带儿童入住 其他 预订超过5间客房时,需遵循不同的政策和额外的补充条款。 能否加床取决于...
伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院Golden Lane校区 Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine (also at the G 伦敦商务与管理学院 切尔西艺术与设计学院 伦敦时装学院黄金巷校区 London Dental Education Centre (LonDEC), part of t School of Critical Studies and Creative Industries 伦敦艺术大学 伦敦艺术大学切尔西艺术学院 席...
此外,Braehead Shopping Centre則是一個大型購物中心,擁有多家知名品牌的商店、餐廳和娛樂設施,是購物和休閒的理想去處。在這裡,您可以盡情享受購物的樂趣,並品嚐各種美食,無論是與朋友聚會還是家庭出遊,這裡都能滿足您的需求。 Abbey House:格拉斯哥的舒適之選...
London Dental Education Centre (LonDEC), part of t 伦敦时装学院黄金巷校区 伦敦商务与管理学院 Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine (also at the G 伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院Golden Lane校区 伦敦玛丽女王大学Charterhouse Square校区 伦敦国王学院滑铁卢校区 布鲁克豪斯预科学院 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院查特豪斯广场校区...
Carlton Lane, Helmsley YO62 5HB England 5.2 miles from Byland Abbey "Friendly hostel, cosy and welcoming lounge/dining area, only 5 mins walk to Helmsley Market Square. National Birds of Prey Centre at Duncombe Park (an easy walk from the hostel) well worth a visit, don't miss the..."...
Some will start to drink too much to compensate for mental health disorders which are really at the centre of the issue. In the absence of other solutions, e.g. a medical diagnosis of non-complex anxiety or depression disorders, or an issue with coping skills or isolation/loss of connection...