ABB 运动控制产品 1 使用Mint Workbench 设置ABB 运动驱动器 使用调试向导在数分钟内完成设置 介绍 本应用说明的目的,是对ABB 运动驱动器配合交流伺服电机运行,并在“调节”后达到可能的最佳性能所需的步骤进行说明。虽然对感应电机参数做了部分引用,但有单独的应用说明讨论感应电机的设置和调节...
frame or on increased thickness cooling rib where • Weight of the motor. frame lifting points are located. • Provided accessories and instrumentation. • Loads on the foundations. 1.3.2 NAMEPLATES. The motor nameplate contains the entire B) Drawing of the electrical connection wiring for ...
run smoothly. If not, stop the motor immediately and determine the cause. Possible causes are: low voltage at the motor, motor connections are not correct or the load is too heavy. Check the motor current after a few minutes of operation and compare the measured current with the nameplate ...
• when the inverter is used for test purposes with no motor connected. Enter the motor data from the motor nameplate. ABB Motors 3 motor M2AA 200 MLA 4 IEC 200 M/L 55 No F IP 55 V Hz kW r/min A cos IA/IN t E/s 690 Y 50 30 1475 32.5 0.83 400 D 50 30 ...
The nameplate defines a motor’s basic mechanical design, electrical performance and dimensional parameters. NEMA requires specific data to be included on the nameplate, but manufacturers may choose to include other information to assist in the installation, operation and maintenance of custom motors ...
AConnectorsbehindthecoverplateattherobotbase;R1.MP1-3andR2.BU1-3. Attheserialmeasurementboard;R2.G(battery),R2.FB1-3. BConnectorsatmotor2;R3.MP2andR3.FB2 CConnectorsatmotor3;R3.MP3,R3.FB3,R3.LS1andR3.LS2 DConnectorsatmotor1;R3.MP1,R3.FB1 EUpperbracket FCableguideinthemiddleofthefra...
Use the following chart to interpret the type code found on the drive label.Collect motor data Collect the following data from the motor nameplate for later use in the ACS550 startup:•Voltage ___•Nominal motor current ___•Nominal frequency ___•Nominal speed ___•Nominal power...
Fig.1Samplenameplate ProductRating/ApplicableStandards ForUL1008withstandandcloseon shortcircuitratings,refertoABB Publicationnumber1SCC303020C0201. 8ZENITHzZTS(D)T-SERIES1600-3000AZTSCTT-SERIES400-3000A 2Productoverview 2.1Generaloverview C-Controller ...
ABB 300 400-Line全电压磁性组合启动器说明说明书 stalled motor overload.when the overload relay is tripped.These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment not to provi met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be ...
Check motor nameplate current for compatibility. Dimensions: Frame R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Imperial Units (in)&(lb) Height Width Depth Weight 14.6 6.5 7.8 20 16.5 6.8 9.4 31 19.3 9.4 10.1 57 23.7 10.4 10.6 75 27.6 11.8 15.7 148 44.1 13.2 20.3 220 61.6 16.4 22.4 441 Drive Modules 11 ...