32 4.5 0.9 1.1 40 1.1 Low voltage selectivity with ABB circuit-breakers 13 Technical Application Papers MCCB-MCB Selectivity The case where selectivity is looked for between a moul- ded-case circuit-breaker on the supply side and a modu- lar circuit-breaker on the load side is now analysed....
For most manufacturers the catalogue values are valid up to 1000 m above sea level before derating is necessary. In some cases a larger softstarter is required to be able to cope with the motor current when used at high altitudes. For ABB softstarters the following formula can be used for...
Category Document kind
Cloud Platform ABB AbilityTM ABB AbilityTM Ekip Com Hub Emax 2 TruONE Ekip UP Temperature Analog Input Modbus RS-485 Modbus TCP Water M-bus/RS-485 Gas Temperature — Family Device ABB showcases a further evolu- Tmax XT Low voltage MCCB tion in the low-voltage distribu- Tmax T tion ...