The meaning of ABBREVIATURE is abbreviation.
The meaning of ABB is coarse wool from the inferior parts (as the skirtings and edges) of a fleece.
This abbreviation can also relate to Alpha Beta Beta, an honor society for college students. Explore categories such as Business and Education for more information. Related abbreviations include AAB (American Association of Bovine Practitioners) and ABB (American Board of Bioanalysis). ...
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Define abbreviator. abbreviator synonyms, abbreviator pronunciation, abbreviator translation, English dictionary definition of abbreviator. tr.v. ab·bre·vi·at·ed , ab·bre·vi·at·ing , ab·bre·vi·ates 1. To make shorter: abbreviated the meeting t
英文:In this technical article, 'abb' stands for 'Abbreviation', meaning a shortened form of a word or phrase. 中文:他在邮件中提到“abb”,指的是我们公司名称的缩写。 英文:He mentioned 'abb' in the email, referring to the abbreviation of our company's name. 中文:在电力行业,“abb”常用...
Define abbreviature. abbreviature synonyms, abbreviature pronunciation, abbreviature translation, English dictionary definition of abbreviature. n an abbreviation Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins
Names given to children were often combined with El (meaning “God”) or an abbreviation of the divine name Jehovah. 孩子的名字常常包含El(埃,意思是:上帝)或耶和华圣名的一个略语。 jw2019 Five additional abbreviations that should be included in the list of abbreviations have been identified:...
3 definitions of ABBP. Meaning of ABBP. What does ABBP stand for? ABBP abbreviation. Define ABBP at
However, be mindful of the context and ensure your audience understands the intended meaning. Clarity and Consistency: A Guiding Principle No matter which abbreviation you choose, strive for clarity and consistency. Ensure that your chosen abbreviation aligns with the tone and style...