The option 'Use region boundaries"foraveraging will be turned off if "Override region boundary averaging'is selected. ☑Override averaging threshold □Override region boundary averaging 翻译TSL: 该切割的等值面将生成在该切割被激活时出现的主要变量。 当选择“覆盖平均阈值”时,平均阈值将被设置为100%...
The option 'Use region boundaries"foraveraging will be turned off if "Override region boundary averaging'is selected. ☑Override averaging threshold □Override region boundary averaging 翻译TSL: 该切割的等值面将生成在该切割被激活时出现的主要变量。 当选择“覆盖平均阈值”时,平均阈值将被设置为100%...
建议读者选择Use mapped tri meshing on bounding faces where appropriate 项,如前所述,ABAQUS/CAE会对形状简单的面选用映射网格划分,通常可以提高网格质量(参见例7-2)。另外,若模型的网格密度足够且重点分析区域位于边界,用户可以选择Increase size of interior elements 项来增加部...
3.若复杂模型的分割过程过于耗时,用户可以选用二次四面体单元划分网格。建议读者选择Use mapped tri meshing on bounding faces where appropriate 项,如前所述,ABAQUS/CAE会对形状简单的面选用映射网格划分,通常可以提高网格质量。另外,若模型的网格密度足够且重点分析区域位于边界,用户可以选择Increase size of interior ...
(2 )采⽤映射⽹格划分(Mapped meshing)能得到⾼质量的⽹格,但ABAQUS/CAE不能直接采⽤映射⽹格划分技术,只能通过Use mapped meshing where appropriate选项让程序选择映射⽹格划分的区域。在以下⼏种情况下,⽤户可以选择该项进⾏映射⽹格划分:2D+ Quad/Quad-dominated + Free + Advancing ...
• Using CtrlClick, select the Back, Front and Top boundaries. Set the Type to Symmetry Plane. • Select the Inlet Physics Values Velocity Magnitude Constant node and set the Value to 10 m/s. Setting Up the Morpher Use the Morpher to allow the fluid mesh to deform in response to ...
建议读者选择Use mapped tri meshing on bounding faces where appropriate 项,如前所述,ABAQUS/CAE会对形状简单的面选用映射网格划分,通常可以提高网格质量 7、(参见例7-2)。另外,若模型的网格密度足够且重点分析区域位于边界,用户可以选择Increase size of interior elements 项来增加内部单元的尺寸,提高计算效率。
ABSTRACT Implicit boundary method enables the use of background mesh to perform finite element analysis while using solid models to represent the geometry. This approach has been used in the past to m...
You then create the submodel and drive the boundaries of the submodel with results that were saved during the analysis of the global model. You can apply submodel boundary conditions in both mechanical and thermal steps. Materials Abaqus for CATIA V5 allows you to use linear material properties...