“time increment required is less than the minimum specified”意味着在进行计算时,Abaqus试图采用一个非常小的时间增量步长来保证数值解的稳定性,但这个步长小于用户设置或Abaqus内部设定的最小时间增量步长限制。这通常发生在模型具有高度的非线性或模型设置不当的情况下。 2. 可能原因 模型非线性程度高:如材料的...
ABAQUS求解常见报错解决方案(一) ABAQUS有限元分析不收敛几乎是常事,练就一身解决不收敛的好本领是我们学习、工作路线上的必经之路,今天给大家介绍几个ABAQUS的常见报错问题以及解决方案。 问题1:Time increment required is less than the minimum specified。 问题描述:字面意思即为“所需要的增量步小于指定的最小值...
1)Fixed time is too large; 2)Too many attamps have been made; 3)THE SOLUTION APPEARS TO BE DIVERGING; 4)CONVERGENCE ISJUDGED UNLIKELY; 5)Time increment required is less than the minimum specified。 这样的信息除了告诉你的模型分析失败以外,没有告诉你任何有用的东西,几乎是无用信息。需再查找别...
总结:如果在达到MInimum之前就达到5U 无连技,就报错误1:too many attempts made for this increment。如果没有达到5U 无连技,先触发了MInimum,就报错误2:Time increment required is less than the minimum specified。两者的本质来说是差不多的,解决思路也差不多,无法解决的原因也差不多。
如果在达到MInimum之前就达到5U 无连技,就报错误1:too many attempts made for this increment。如果没有达到5U 无连技,先触发了MInimum,就报错误2:Time increment required is less than the minimum specified。两者的本质来说是差不多的,解决思路也差不多,无法解决的原因也差不多。
Time increment required is less than the minimum specifiedAbaqus/Standard Analysis exited with an error - Please see the message file for possible error messages if the file exists.Solver problem. Numerical singularity when processing node ZHICHENGBAN-1.135 D.O.F. 1 ratio = 133.949E+09 .Solver ...
2.Time increment required is less than the minimum specified。 现在来说一说这个问题。进步这个问题和上面一个问题出现的频率一样高。字面翻译:所需的时间增量小于指定的最小值。 关键词1:所需的时间增量,即下图红色框框的。它是怎么来的呢?先用step中定义的初始值(下个图中能看到),如果不收敛,就缩小,收敛...
1、 fixed time is too large too many attamps have been made the solution appears to be diverging. convergence isjudged unlikely. time increment required is less than the minimum specified这样的信息几乎是无用信息(除了告诉你的模型分析失败以外,没有告诉你任何有用的东西)。宜再查找别的信息来考察。
Error in job Job-12: Time increment required is less than the minimum specifiedError in job Job-12: THE ANALYSIS HAS BEEN TERMINATED DUE TO PREVIOUS ERRORS. ALL OUTPUT REQUESTS HAVE BEEN WRITTEN FOR THE LAST CONVERGED INCREMENT.Job Job-12: Abaqus/Standard aborted due to errors.Error in job...