Step 18 单击工具箱中的(Assign Section),在图形窗口中选择在部件coupling,单击提示区中的Done按钮,弹出Edit Section Assignment对话框,如图 4-9 所示,选择 Section:Section-coupling,单击OK 按钮,把截面属性 Section-coupling 赋予部件coupling,图形窗口中部件的颜色变为绿色。
大大们 为什么我 E..非常抱歉,我有abaqus 76G的全套资料,教你如何快速入门 包括入门必备的辉墨点睛中文版 以及帮助文档中文版 还有《ABAQUS有限元分析常见问题解答》曹金凤-石亦平等书籍 ,帮你理清思路 ,快速
finite element method to explicit dynamics is covered in the following section. 1.6.2 Stress wave propagation illustrated This section attempts to provide some conceptual understanding of how forces propagate through a model when using the explicit dynamics method. In this illustrative example we...
mySection = mymodel.HomogeneousSolidSection(name=sectionname, material=Matname, thickness=None) setname = 'Set-' + str(ele) mypart.Set(elements=mypart.elements[ele-1:ele], name=setname) region = mypart.sets[setname] mypart.SectionAssignment(region=region, sectionName=sectionname)...
# Do not delete the following import lines from abaqus import * from abaqusConstants import * import __main__ import section import regionToolset import displayGroupMdbToolset as dgm import part import material import assembly import step
from odbSection import * 02打开输出数据库 您可以使用openOdb方法来打开现有的输出数据库。例如,下面的语句打开了Abaqus/CAE可视化模块教程使用的输出数据库: odb = openOdb(path='viewer_tutorial.odb') 打开输出数据库后,可以对Odb对象的方法和成员访问其内容。
1、接触笔记1、Defining contact pairs in ABAQUS/StandardAfter the selection of contact pair surfaces, three key factors must be determined when creating a contact formulation: the contact discretization; the tracking approach; and the assignment of “master” and “slave” roles to the respective ...
the assignment of“master”and“slave”roles to the respective surfaces. 1.1the contact discretization ABAQUS/Standard offers two contact discretization options: a traditional“node-to-surface”discretization and a true“surface-to-surface”discretization. 1.1.1 Node-to-surface contact discretization Traditi...
在Interaction模块下点击工具条中的(CreatConnector Assignment)赋予属性,选择步骤(1)中创建的WireFeature,点击中键确认,在弹出的对话框中选择前面创建好的Section并点击OK确认。 三、结果分析 采用上述两种方法定义弹簧,并为模型定义边界条件和载荷进行静态分析。通过观察变形云图可以看出,两种模拟弹簧的方法所起到的效果是...