但Abaqus在设置预定义场(Predefined field)里的Geostatic应力时,默认你输入的竖向坐标都是指Z轴坐标,所以就不可避免地出现了参数冲突,最终得到了这种奇怪的地应力分布。 因此,在3D建模和分析时,如果要使用自动地应力平衡,即Geostatic step,务必手动旋转组装好的模型,使Z轴为竖轴,并依此设置体力(或重力)以及其它边界条...
*initial c o n d i t i o n s,type=stress,geostatic(定义随深度变化的初始应力) Soil-1.all,0,0,-850000,-50,0.49(单元集合名称,土层顶部竖向应力,顶部竖向坐标,土体底部竖向应力,底部竖向坐标,土体侧压力系数) 界面操作方法 进入load模块,选择Predefined Field Manager,接下来的操作就如图1所示。 [attac...
若用Geostatic分析步换成Fixed平衡固定计算一次的自重变形结果odb;再通过Predefined field导入这个自重变形结果odb;具体小胖版主有实例截图,就是在Predefined field中initial分析步stress进行设置“从外部文件导入”这个自重变形结果,Geostatic分析步Fixed下也只有一步step和Increment,所有就应是1。 但是再计算七万别忘啦,再...
进入Load模块,执行【Predefined Field】/【Create】命令,弹出图2-29所示的创建预定义场对话框,将Step选为Initial(ABAQUS中的初始步),类型选为Other,单击【Continue】按钮后按提示区中的提示选择整个土样作为施加初始孔隙比的区域,确认后弹出编辑预定义场对话框,输入孔隙比为1.309,单击【OK】按钮确认退出。 图2-29 ...
= 输入文件用法: ∗INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE STRESS, GEOSTATIC Abaqus/ CAE用户: Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial: 为 Category 选择 Mechanical 以及为 Types for Selected Step 选择 Geostatic stress 定义初始温度 用户可以在热传导或者应力/ 位移单元的节点上定义初始温度。 应力/ 位移...
55、of predefined field variables at this point at the start of the increment, based on the values read in at the nodes.DPRED Array of increments of predefined field variables.CMNAME User-defined material name, left justified. Some internal material models are given names starting with the “...
Defining local orientations If a local orientation ( \t v611usbwin “Orientations,” Section 2.2.5 of the Abaqus Analysis Users Manual) is used at the same point as user subroutine UMAT, the stress and strain components will be in the local orientation; and, in the case of finite-strain...
field variables before they are passed in; and is described further in “User-defined mechanical material behavior,” Section 26.7.1 of the Abaqus Analysis Users Guide. Storage of stress and strain components In the stress and strain arrays and in the matrices DDSDDE, DDSDDT, and DRPLDE, ...