1、ABAQUS/Standard Error: No such file or directory 解决方法:该错误指的是ABAQUS找不到其中一文件,可能是由于给定的路径或文件名不正确。检查路径和文件名称,并确保它们准确无误。 2、ABAQUS/Standard Error: Could not open directory 解决方法:该错误指的是ABAQUS无法打开指定的目录,可能是由于提供的路径不正确...
这个问题说明你的plug-in中调用的文件没有找到 检查一下你代码中的调用文件,再检查一下对应目录下是否...
abaqus出现错误in keyword *NODE, file "Job-1.inp", line 9: ... file reader. 这时导入ABAQUS/CAE的模型是不完整的,所以分析时出错。 如果在ABAQUS Command窗口中输入以下命令来提交分析,就没有这种问题: ... 无法打开包括文件: studio.h : No such file or directory stdio.h吧 你写错了 ...
如果显示:“bash: ./lmgrd: 没有那个文件或目录”或者“lmgrd: No such file or directory”,则说明您缺少安装“lsb-core”。请先回到第10步安装; 如果前述步骤均正确(且没有我没遇到的错误……),此时ABAQUS CAE应该已经可以成功运行 可以通过:/var/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Commands/abq2022 cae打开CAE图形界...
No way to tell from these excerpts. I don't know this software, I am not even sure what these files are that you posted. Looks like python. There is something screwed up with your environment variables, this /usr/bin/ld: : No such file: No such file or director...
The option *boundary,type=displacement has been used; check status file between steps for warnings on any jumps???prescribed across the steps in displacement values of translational dof. For rotational dof make sure that there are???no such jumps.All jumps in displacements across steps are...
5)The option *boundary,type=displacement has been used;check status file between steps for warnings on any jumps prescribed across the steps in displacement values of translational dof. For rotational dof make sure that there are no such jumps.All jumps in displacements across steps are ignored;...
64位abaqus出..64位abaqus作业检查时出现System exception: exceptions.ValueError: IOError: : No such file or directory错误,其他建模
check status file between steps for warnings on any jumpsprescribed across the steps in displacement values of translational dof. For rotational dof make sure that there areno such jumps.All jumps in displacements across steps are ignored.你采用了位移边界条件,但在平动自由度上,可能在不同的分析步骤...