解决方法是使用enhanced hourglass controls,mesh refinement和penalty contact,以便接触可以更好地分布在节点上。 (2)如果单元是reduced integration的,需要对比atificial energy ALLAE 和 internal energy ALLIE,以确保用于约束hourglassing modes的artificial energy没有超过限制。 (3)在Explicit中,hexahedral单元是否有足够多...
*Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO ** ** PARTS ** *Part, name=Part-1 *Node 1, 0., 100., 0. *Nset, nset=Part-1-RefPt_, internal 1, *End Part ** *Part, name=Part-2 *Node 1, 0., 0., 0. *Nset, nset=Part-2-RefPt_, internal 1, *End Part *...
For a model to be in static equilibrium, the net force acting on each node must be zero; i.e., the internal and external loads at each node must balance each other. For node athis equilibrium equation can be obtained as follows. ...
**Job name:Rivet Model name:Rivet *Preprint,echo=NO,model=NO,history=NO,contact=NO** **PART S *Part,name=Rivet*Node 1, 0.,-0.00158275699 …… 88,0.00200000009,0.0124000004*Element,type=CAX4R 1,1,7,55,11…… 64,88,32,5,33 *Nset,nset=_PickedSet2,internal,generate ...
*Nset, nset=A, internal, instance=Part-1-1 1, *Nset, nset=B, internal, instance=Part-1-1 21, *Nset, nset=C, internal, instance=Part-1-1 11, *End Assembly ** --- ** STEP: Step-1 *Step, name=Step-1 *Static 1., 1., 1e-05, 1. ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ** Name: ...
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Optimization module: Taskgeneral topology task, Design ResponseCreate: Single-term, Variable: Internal force or Internal moment 接触反力和力矩节点反力和力矩只能用于一般算法的拓扑优化设计。下表列出了可供优化的设计响应。 Nodal reaction force Nodal reaction moment /-direction E K细 ...
the paper uses surface-surface contact elements of finite element analysis software ABAQUS to establish a two-dimensional tunnel model for structural plane of weak joints to analyze and calculate nonlinearly the rock pressure and the internal force of the geological bias tunnel lining according to the...
31、or output associated with section output requests consists of the total force (SOF), the total moment (SOM), and the center of forces (SOCF这是表示一个点). Output variable SOF is computed as a vector sum of the stress-based (internal) nodal forces of the nodes in the surface. Out...
*Nset,nset=_PickedSet8,internal,instance=link-1 3, *End Assembly *Material,name=mat01 **定义材料mat01 *Elastic 295000.,0. **---**STEP:Step-1 *Step,name=Apply-force **创建分析步Apply-force Apply forces and BCs on the model*Static 1.,1.,1e-05,1. **BOUNDARY CONDITIONS **Name...