第一种方法是使用Free Body Cut,可以在后处理模块中基于View Cut的切面查看内力,也可以基于网格边或节点定义任意切面查看截面的内力。第二种方法是使用Integrated Output Sections,在Step模块的Output选项中创建一个截面I-section,然后在History Output中定义截面I-section上合力/合力矩的输出,从结果文件中绘制所指定截面...
创建Free Body Cut后,也可在Create XY Data 中选择Free body创建相关截面内力的曲线。 Figure-2: Free Body Force Output 方式二: Integrated Output Sections 在Step模块的Output选项àIntegrated Output Sections 创建一个截面I-section,然后在History Output中定义截面I-section上合力/合力矩的输出(SOF、SOM);从结...
为了输出螺栓在预紧过程中的预紧力,定义螺杆中部截面为积分输出截面(Integrated Output Section),如图7所示。然后在时间历程输出中选择输出该截面上的轴力,如图8所示。 图7 积分输出截面定义 图8 螺栓截面轴力输出 为了获得螺母在拧紧过程中的拧紧力矩,可以选择在时间历程输出中输出螺母参考点上的支反力矩,如图9所示...
232009CONTENTSDe ningEuleriansurfaces 2.3.5Operatingonsurfaces2.3.6DefiningrigidbodiesRigidbodyde nition2.4.1Defininginte gratedoutputsectionsIntegratedoutputsectionde nition2.5.1DefiningnonstructuralmassN onstructuralmassde nition2.6.1DefiningdistributionsDistributionde nition2.7.1Definin gdisplaybodiesDisplaybodyde ...
described in “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2. The default strain measure for output to the data (.dat) and results (.fil) files is E. However, for geometrically nonlinear analysis using element formulations (公式化)that support finite strains, E is not available for output to the output ...
section integration选项 可选:during 和before analysis两种方式.采用默认值(during analysis)即可,适用于绝大多数情况;如果分析涉及nonlinear material behavior和heat transfer,必须使用during analysis.(seeUsing a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior) ...
*I got "Section Integrated Output" to find out the total amount of force on a surface, but unfortunately it only gives you the values of the load, not the reaction force pointing the other direction. For example, If I have 100N in the four corners of the surface, Section Integrated Out...
Available only if the gasket contact area is specified; see “Defining the contact area for average contact pressure output” in “Defining the gasket behavior directly using a gasket behavior model,” Section 26.6.6. .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no TSHR All transverse...
The nodes have been identified in node setWarnNodeBCInactiveDof.21 Integration and section point output variables will not be output for deformable elements that are declared as rigid using therigid body option这个仅是通知性质的(在interaction步设置为rigid body,不输出应力应变),你在interaction步定义...