图6 Edit Predefined Field窗口 选择‘From results or output database file’。“File name”选择热分析结果的.ODB文件。您可以选择开 始和结束读取结果的分析步,选择0作为增量结束读取结果。由于相同的网格,网格兼容性设置为“Compatible”。 当添加正确的边界条件,则可提交作业。 分析结果 对比相邻的动画结果,很...
图6:Edit Predefined Field窗口 选择‘From results or output database file’。“File name”选择热分析结果的.ODB文件。您可以选择开始和结束读取结果的分析步,选择0作为增量结束读取结果。由于相同的网格,网格兼容性设置为“Compatible”。 当添加正确的边界条件,则可提交作业。 结果 对比相邻的动画结果,很显然,热...
在Predefined Field中创建温度场,选择平板所有节点,将Distribution改为From resultsor output database file,即通过输出数据定义温度场。在File中选择热传导分析计算得到的输出数据库文件(plate_thermal.odb),将Begin step设为1,Begin increment设为0,End step设为1,End increment留空,如图5.4所示。 图5.4 读取焊接过程...
” Section 1.2.2. The default strain measure for output to the data (.dat) and results (.fil) files is E. However, for geometrically nonlinear analysis using element formulations (公式化)that support finite strains, E is not available for output to the output database (.odb) file, and...
定义温度梯度:Create Predifined Field:Step:Step-1,Category:Other,Types:temperature;然后框选整个实体,确定;Distribution:from results or output database file;然后选择结果文件File name,选择job-2;其它选项都填1. 划分网格 更改单元类型为C3D8R 结果
exact match is not found,Abaqus then searches based upon the minimum number of unique characters in each keyword,parameter,or parameter value,as the case may be. Embedded blanks can be omitted from any item in a keyword line.If a parameter value is used to provide a number or a file ...
比如:在前面定义了truss的材料属性,在后面划分beam单元,就出这种错误信息 /thread-875975-1-1.html 3 detected lock file job-1.lck. 5、please confirm that no other applications are attempting to write to the output database associated with this job before removing the lock file and resubmitting. ...
Element output with rebar parameter is currently available for membrane, shell or surface elements only. In order to visualize the rebar results, you should convert the input data so that the rebar is defined using membrane, shell or surface elements. 警告里面一直是这个,这啥意思啊,万分感谢啊,爱...
(Job Manager),弹出对话框Job Manager,点击Submit提交分析,看到对话框中的Status(状态)提示依次变为Submitted,Running和Completed,这表示对模型的分析已经成。点击此对话框中的Results(分析结果),自动进人Visualization可视化模块。求解结果后处理 选择工具栏中所需的场变量,即可在视图区中显示该场变量云图。
比如:在前面定义了 truss 的材料属性,在后面划分 beam单元,就出这种错误信息 /thread-875975-1-1.html Detected lock file Job-1.lck. Please confirm that no other applications are attempting to write to the output database associated with this job before removing the lock file and resubmitting. 删除...