Magnitude of contact slip rate at secondary nodes during contact (FSLIPR) and in some cases (see About contact pairs inAbaqus/Explicit) components of contact slip rate in local tangent directions (FSLIPR1 and FSLIPR2). These variables are set to zero while a secondary node is not in contact...
In this example the default variablescontact pressure, contact opening, frictional shear stress, and relative tangential slipwere requested. The OP status 25、indicates that the slave node is not in contact with the master surface. In the sample output above, node 101 is open and, consequently...
Abaqus/CAE操作:切换到优化模块,Task Shape task, Design Response Create: Single-term, Variable: Stress or Contact stress。3)应变(Strain):如果是大变形模型,用应力作设计响应就不太合适了,比如金属结构进入塑性变形其塑性区域的应力值几乎一样大。在此情况下选用弹性应变、塑性应变或总应变作设计响应较为合适...
In this example the default variables—contact pressure, contact opening, frictional shear stress, and relative tangential slip—were requested. The OP status indicates that the slave node is not in contact with the master surface. In the sample output above, node 101 is open and, consequently,...
These quantities can be obtained as output variables ALLSD and ALLSE, respectively. More detailed information can be obtained by comparing the contact damping stresses CDSTRESS (with the individual components CDPRESS, CDSHEAR1, and CDSHEAR2) to the true contact stresses CSTRESS (with the ...
设计变量设计变量(Design variables) :设计变量即优化设计中需要改变的参数。 拓扑优化中,设计区域中的单元密度是设计变量,Abaqus/CAE 优化分析模块在其优化 迭代过程中改变单元密度并将其耦合到刚度矩阵之中。 实际上, 拓扑优化将模型中单元移除 的方法是,将单元的质量和刚度充分变小从而使其不再参与整体结构响应。
Abaqus/CAE 操作 :切换到优化模块, Task Shape task, Design Response Create: Single-term, Variable: Stress or Contact stress 。 3 )应变( Strain ):如果是大变形模型,用应力作设计响应就不太合适了,比如金属 结构进入塑性变形其塑性区域的应力值几乎一样大。在此情况下选用弹性应变、塑性应变 或总应变作...
sides, and one integration point inside the element. To reduce the size of the output database, you can request element output at the nodes. Because these elements have integration points at the nodes, there is no error associated with extrapolating i...
ABAQUS中隐式和显式各不支持的变量 Table D–1 Unsupported Abaqus/Standard variables.CHRGS Current values of distributed electrical charges.CONF Number of cracks at a concrete material point.CRACK Unit normal to cracks in concrete.CS11 Average contact pressure for link and three-dimensional line gasket...
sides, and one integration point inside the element. To reduce the size of the output database, you can request element output at the nodes. Because these elements have integration points at the nodes, there is no error associated with extrapolating integration point output variables to the ...