模型建成后,运行abaqus command出现如下错误:Abaqus Error: Analysis Input File Processor exited with an error.出现这类错误,说明模型出错,有于出错地方各有不同,问题也多种多样,所以不能一概而论。 解决办法:找见当前工作目录,找见***.dat文件,查找ERROR行,在模型中进行修改即可。 比如: ***ERROR: THE NUM...
1)在ABAQUSCommand窗口中提交分析。基本的命令为:abaqus job =job_name interactive 其中job_name是INP...
Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code.Job Job-2 aborted due to errors. 送TA礼物 1楼...
Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code.运行出现以上错误。按照书上一步一步来的,但是始终...
mdb.JobFromInputFile(name=’job-1-1′,inputFileName=’springback_exp_form.inp’) 该行通过input文件springback_exp_form.inp生成计算任务job-1-1。inputFileName是input文件的名称,而name是计算任务名称,也就是生成的odb等文件的名称。 mdb.jobs[‘job-1-1’].submit...
1.1 Inp 文件格式 参考: 1.ABAQUS Keywords Reference Manual 2 .Getting Started with ABAQUS/Standard: Keywords Version :2.2 Format of the input file 3 ./courses/en175/Abaqustut/abaqustut.htm 模型输入文件 (*.inp)是沟通前处理器(通常为ABAQUS/CAE )与分析求解器(通常 为 ABAQUS/Standard )的桥梁,...
1.1Inp文件格式参考: 1.ABAQUSKeywordsReferenceManual 2.GettingStartedwithABAQUS/Standard:KeywordsVersion:2.2Formatoftheinputfile 3.http://.engin.brown.edu/courses/en175/Abaqustut/abaqustut.htm 模型输入文件(*.inp)是沟通前处理器(通常为ABAQUS/CAE)与分析求解器(通常为ABAQUS/Standard)的桥梁,包含了一个...
Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code.Abaqus/Analysis exited with errors 送TA礼物 1楼...
Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code.排除:1.目录中没有中文2.调用过其他子程序,也报的...