最近重做系统,重新安装了abaqus,又出现了Error getting status: Cannot find license file...的问题,引起这个问题的原因可能会很多,下面仅从我最后成功安装的角度粗略总结一些需要注意的事项。 1.关闭所有杀毒软件、断网; 2.需要用到物理地址的步骤,如:00-e7-00-37-32-1F,其中的“-”记得删除; 3.安装包所在的...
你的保存路径不对,没有找到安装文件,1、单击SHOOTERS——abaqus68-SummerE复制到粘帖到桌面,将第一行第2个用户名进行修改(双击我的电脑属性)2、双击达索有限元分析软件——双击win86-32——双击license——直至出现install.exe——next——选择“just install the licensing utilities (装入D盘)3、...
abaqus启动报错 cannot connect to license server system,可能因为杀毒软件关闭了license 解决方法1) 开始菜单找到abaqus安装文件夹中的abaqus licensing,点击进入会自动弹出lmtools. 2) 进入 config services…
37、但老是ACE failed,运行ACE时出现的错误信息如下cannot find server hostname in network databasethe lookup for the hostname on the server line in the license file failed this ofen happens when nis or dns or the hosts file is incorrect. workaround:use Use IP-Address(e.g., 123.456.789.123...
37、ation时其它均pass,但老是ACE failed,运行ACE时出现的错误信息如下cannot find server hostname in network databasethe lookup for the hostname on the server line in the license file failed this ofen happens when nis or dns or the hosts file is incorrect. workaround:use Use IP-Address(e.g...
Please check for errors for each of the analysis involved in co-simulation and also verify that the co-simulation duration time specified in the configuration file is correct.***ERROR: Due to this co-simulation Failure Abaqus cannot continue....
raise 'Cannot find the graphics configuration environment file (graphicsConfig.env)' del driverUtils, os, graphicsEnv license_server_type=FLEXNET abaquslm_license_file="27011@***(按照自己设置修改此处)" verify pass 提供一些有用的链接,很有参考意义 https...
关于安装过程中License Serve:输入27800@localhost之后一直报错的问题:兄弟们,我出现这个问题就是在运行install_or_update的时候没出现成功,多运行几次,出现成功之后再进行后面的操作,就好了 [点赞]希望对朋友有帮助
4.2安装license并设置; 4.3安装product. 1.下载安装文件 2.加载dvd1,安装vc++; 安装文件路径如下: 选择x64.exe.(32位版本请选择x86.exe) 日志 网易 博客 摄影 发现好博群博客召集 Page2Abaqus6.10安装指南-Jincheng的日志-网易博客 2011/3/2512:39:56http://ivan0201.blog.163/blog/static/799872201061853950616...
(.enf_abq) File to a specified location. You can import the model geometry into Abaqus/CAE later using the Elysium Neutral File. You cannot use the direct translator to update existing models in Abaqus/CAE, but you can use the direct translator to transfer model geometries across platforms. ...