首先,我们需要定义一个与XML结构相匹配的内表。然后,我们可以使用ABAP的XML解析功能来读取XML数据并将其填充到内表中。 abap REPORT z_xml_to_internal_table. DATA: lv_xml TYPE xstring, lt_employees TYPE TABLE OF zemployee, ls_employee TYPE zemployee. " 定义内表结构 TYPES: BEGIN OF zemployee, ...
DATA XML_TABLE TYPE STANDARDTABLEOFSMUM_XMLTB. DATARETURNTYPE STANDARDTABLEOFBAPIRET2.CALLMETHODcl_http_client=>create_by_url EXPORTING url=lv_url IMPORTING client=lo_http EXCEPTIONS argument_not_found=1plugin_not_active=2internal_error=3OTHERS=4.IF sy-subrc=0.CALLMETHODlo_http->send EXCEPTIONS...
允许您以基于标记(遍历 XML 数据的树结构中的所有节点,即标记)和面向对象的方式(包装基于标记的访问的方法;提供对象)来解析和呈现 XML 数据。面向访问 XML 节点的方式) 与iXML 不同,... 可以使用更多格式(标准 XML 1.0,还有 XOP、二进制 XML 和 JSON)。 不会以 DOM 格式创建任何文档(如果不需要 DOM 表示...
DATA XML_TABLE TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF SMUM_XMLTB. DATA RETURN TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF BAPIRET2. CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url EXPORTING url = lv_url IMPORTING client = lo_http EXCEPTIONS argument_not_found = 1 plugin_not_active = 2 internal_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-...
DATA(xml) = cl_abap_conv_codepage=>create_out( )->convert( replace( val = xml_string sub = |\n| with = `` occ = 0 ) ). DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( )->begin_section( `XML-Data` )->write_xml( xml ). "Parsing XML into an internal table ...
Internal table对象(data)的声明 根据已声明的internal table数据类型来声明table对象 内表是按行进行访问的。必须使用某个工作区域作为与表格互相传输数据的接口。工作区域对内表的行必须是可转换的, 为了避免不一致,最好是工作区域与内表行有相同的数据类型。创建与内表兼容的工作区域的一种安全步骤是在说明内表和...
DATA: xml_string TYPE string. DATA: BEGIN OF line, matnr(18) TYPE c, maktx(40) TYPE c, END OF line, BEGIN OF header, datum LIKE sy-datum, uzeit LIKE sy-uzeit, END OF header, itab LIKE TABLE OF line. header-datum = sy-datum. ...
"Render the internal table to JSON-XML DATA(writer) = CAST if_sxml_writer( cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_json ) ). "create( type = if_sxml=>co_xt_xml10 ) ). TRY. writer->open_element( name = 'object' ). ...
In the new ABAP Debugger, you can use the Table Tool to display and work with the contents of internal tables. This section shows how to do the following: Change the column layout in an internal table so that you can see the columns you want to see Include fields from nested structures...
Hi, I am trying to create an xml file from ABAP internal table. My xml file is a multi-level structure, so my internal table is a bit complex, having multiple parent