该例子完成有图标、表头,有文字说明的表身单据,如图 1.1、Form的制作 一个Form可以有多个页面组成,一个页面含有一个或多个窗口,但一个页面只有一个主窗口。段落格式描述窗口的每一行的格式,一个Form可以有很多段落格式,在具体定义每一行内容时可以选择相关段落行。 输入TCODE:SE71,输入Form名称后,单击“创建”按钮...
time=dura."function:CONVERSION_EXIT_DURA_OUTPUT,==开头WRITEduraTOformatted_text11USINGEDIT MASK'==SDURA'.WRITE:/formatted_text11."RR:靠右,LL:靠左,_会被替换WRITEtimeTOformatted_text11USINGEDIT MASK'RRThe duration is __:__:__'.WRITE:/formatted_text11."示例15:*DD/MM/YY | MM/DD/YY*| ...
FORMform_01.DATA:gt_studentTYPETABLEOFzstudent_wyz,gs_studentTYPEzstudent_wyz.SELECTzschool zcodeINTOCORRESPONDINGFIELDSOFTABLEgt_studentFROMZSTUDENT_WYZ.LOOPATgt_studentINTOgs_student.WRITE:/gs_student-zschool,gs_student-zcode.ENDLOOP.ENDFORM.START-OF-SELECTION.PERFORMform_01. PS:语句性能分析如下...
即 SAP R/2. ABAP 在 SAP R/2 的开发过程中发挥了重要作用,伴随着 ABAP 调试器、屏幕编辑器的出...
With the old "long-form" ABAP with spelled out statements, it was usually possible for a technically-minded colleague to at least understand the gist of what is going on in a program, while either looking at the code in SE38/SE80 or during debugging. Considering that I'm having a hard...
WRITE : / str ." matinal测试 使用CL_ABAP_CODEPAGE类进行编解码: DATA: xstr TYPE xstring, str TYPE string, l_codepage(4) TYPE n , l_encoding(20). ***字符集名与内码转换 "将外部字符集名转换为内部编码 CALL FUNCTION 'SCP_CODEPAGE_BY_EXTERNAL_NAME' EXPORTING external...
WRITE: / sum,sum1. 18、FORM add. sum = int1 + int2. ENDFORM. FORM add1. sum1 = int2 - int1. ENDFORM. 功能模块 funtion module 调用功能模块调用功能模块 call function 语句语句 exporting 出口出口 在在import选项卡中声明的参数选项卡中声明的参数 importing 入口入口 在在export选项卡中声明...
These formatting options override the predefined formats of the statements WRITE ... TO and WRITE. Without these additions, the content of the source field is formatted only according to its data type. The result of the formatting is adapted to the available length. In the case of WRITE .....
ABAP使⽤Write,Write TO语句。⽰例:"*** "Write使⽤ "*** FORM f_test_write.DATA testTxt TYPE String value 'hello world!'.WRITE at / testTxt."换⾏ WRITE at /5 testTxt."从第5列开始输出 WRITE at /(10) testTxt."只显⽰10位字符 WRITE at /5(15) testTxt."从第5列开始显...
以form开始,以endform结束,用perform语句调用,from语句可以在程序内部/外部,perform一定要写在前面 perform. from. 子程序模块 endform. 1. 2. 3. 4. perform writedata. "如果写到子程序模块后,这一行会提示 Statement is not accessible 问题:ABAP是编译型语言还是解释性语言 ...