(result1).* 上記をLEFT JOINで書き直しWITH+cte1AS(SELECTFROMt001wFIELDS'FIRST 1'ASmsg,werksWHEREleft(werks,1)='1')SELECTFROMt001wASt1LEFTOUTERJOIN+cte1ASt2"T001Wの対象エントリが基準ONt1~werks=t2~werksFIELDSt2~msg,t1~werksWHERE(left(t1~werks,1)='0'ORleft(t1~werks,1)='1')ORDERBY...
Static ABAP with restricted object use static attribute Static Box static class static component static constructor Static data object static event static method static type status bar status icon status message step step loop step loop technique ...
The addition REDIRECT TO can also be used to replace the target data source of the published association with a previous CTE or the current CTE. When used, this addition requires the strict mode from Release 7.53. Modification 7 Number Literals in the SELECT List Until now, only those ...
DATA:lv_dat TYPE zcte. CONCATENATE p_y ‘年 ’ p_m ‘月’ INTO lv_dat. DATA lv_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam.”定义一个 rs38l_fnam 类型的变量存储功能模块名 IF gv_iden = ‘BS’. CALL FUNCTION ‘SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME’ EXPORTING”输入参数,传递 SmartForms 名子 formname = ‘Z_N207_...
+cte AS ( SELECT \_spfli[ fltime > @fltime ]-carrid FROM demo_cds_assoc_sairport_tz( tz = @( to_upper( tz ) ) ) ) WITH ASSOCIATIONS ( \_spfli[ fltime > @fltime ] \_scarr AS _spfli_scarr ) SELECT DISTINCT carrname FROM +cte\_spfli_scarr[ currcode = @( CO...
Theassociation targetof the path expression\_scarrexposed by the common table expression+cteis used as the data source of themain queryof aWITHstatement. WITH +cte AS ( SELECT * FROM demo_cds_assoc_spfli_scarr ) WITH ASSOCIATIONS ( \_scarr ) ...
sql_exp1,sql_exp2, ..., can be used to specifySQL expressions.Alias namescan be used as operands of the SQL expressions. Alias names specified in theSELECTlist must be handled with care. Especially, non-alphanumeric characters should be prevented. In the following example, the sorting is ...
WITH +flights AS ( SELECT FROM sflight FIELDS carrid, connid, AVG( seatsocc AS DEC( 16,2 ) ) AS avg WHERE carrid IN @carrids GROUP BY carrid, connid ORDER BY carrid, connid UP TO 1 ROWS ) ##db_feature_mode[limit_in_subselect_or_cte] ...