例子: DATA(lv_order_number)=CONVaufnr(12345).WRITE|{lv_order_number}|."Output: 12345"Add leading zerosCALL FUNCTION'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT'EXPORTINGinput=lv_order_numberIMPORTINGoutput=lv_order_number.WRITE|{lv_order_number}|."Output: 000000012345"Remove leading zerosCALL FUNCTION...
FUNCTION z_remove_leading_zeros. *"--- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(iv_input) TYPE string *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(ev_output) TYPE string *"--- ev_output = iv_input. WHILE ev_output CP '0*'. ev_output = ev_output+1. ENDWHILE. ENDFUNCTION. 在ABAP 中使用...
Note that the variablesvar_intandvar_extcan be the same variable. var_num = |{ var_num ALPHA = OUT }|. "Remove leading zeros var_num = |{ var_num ALPHA = IN }|. "Add leading zeros This can also be used as an operand. WRITE : |{ var_int ALPHA = OUT }|. Note that this ...
2 Kudos 109,580 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development How to remove leading zeros in ABAP?Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Jun 09 9:04 AM 5 Kudos 34,594 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development shift <field> left deleting leading '0'. U write ur code like this data...
-position. perform removeLeadingZeros changing waDictStruct-leng. * Add any domain data call function 'DD_DOMA_GET' exporting domain_name = definition-domname get_state = 'M ' langu = pmlang * prid = 0 withtext = 'X' tables dd07v_tab_a =...
PERFORM removeleadingzeros CHANGING wadictstruct-leng. * Add any domain data CALL FUNCTION 'DD_DOMA_GET' EXPORTING domain_name = definition-domname get_state = 'M ' langu = pmlang * prid = 0 withtext = 'X' TABLES dd07v_tab_a = idomaindataa dd07v_tab_n = idomaindatan EXCEPTIONS...
Remove leading zeros in ABAP select statement 2 2302 0 Hi,I have a below select statement in ABAPSELECT SINGLE A, B ,C FROM lt_tab INTO @DATA(tab1) WHERE B <> C.But the Column C is having ALPHA conversion with Leading 0's. Hence, Select statement is not working as expected. Coul...
The advantage of using the string function is that you can specify any character to remove, not just blanks.Syntax examples:"CONDENSE statements DATA(s1) = ` ab cd `. DATA(s2) = ` ef gh ij `. DATA(s3) = ` kl mn op `. CONDENSE s1. "Trailing and leading blanks are removed: '...
the help screen can be used to view similar additions which can be added to this statement). Then include a WRITE statement so that the result of the SHIFT statement can be output. To the right of the number here, there will be four spaces, which have replaced the leading zeros: ...
Remove the duplicates by pressing the delete icon . Afterwards save the content. The ABAP_NOTES Config Store will contain for most of the notes several records, which contain definitions for the component and the release: The note number (10 digits, leading zeros) is the key. Texts and ...