PERFORM read_serverfile_to_local USING filepath_real str_name. *把STRING类型 赋值给 rcgfiletr-ftfront 类型,否则函数参数类型不同 local_file = str_name. PERFORM get_data_to_innertable TABLES gt_data USING local_file." 从本地文件local_file 读 EXCEL模版单元格到内表gt_data *PERFORM display ...
PERFORM read_serverfile_to_local USING filepath_real str_name. *把STRING类型赋值给rcgfiletr-ftfront类型,否则函数参数类型不同 local_file = str_name. PERFORM get_data_to_innertable TABLES gt_data USING local_file."从本地文件local_file读EXCEL模版单元格到内表gt_data *PERFORM display TABLES gt...
months=-5"Negativetosubtractfromolddate,positivetoadd olddate=sy-datum IMPORTING NEWDATE=new_date. write:/new_date. MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_OLE willbuildafile,andautomaticallystartExcel OTF_CONVERT wrapsseveralotherfunctionmodules.WillconvertOTFtoASCIIorPDF POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA Createadialogbo...
Step1. Upload excel file by RAP Odata service described in "Large object handing(storing as MIME)". This way, the excel data is transformed to XSTRING.Step2. Read the XSTRING to with xco_cp_xlsx. This class will read worksheet specified. Prepare an internal table...
2.1将excel转换xstring 使用zif_excel_writer类,如果需要下载成xlsx类型文档,创建实例化对象时类型为zcl_excel_writer_2007;通过write_file方法获取xstring类型数据;再将xstring类型data转换为solix_tab类型数据。 示例: "下载显示excel转换DATA:cl_writerTYPEREFTOzif_excel_writer.DATA:xdataTYPExstring.DATA:t_raw...
EXCEL TO INTERNAL TABLE AND THEN TO APPLICATION SERVER REPORTZSD_EXCEL_INT_APP.parameter:file_nmtypelocalfile.types:beginofit_tab1,f1(20),f2(40),f3(20),,,wa_tab2typeit...
TRANSFER <lfs_outfile> TO prf_file LENGTH ldf_length. ENDLOOP. CLOSE DATASET gdf_filepath. 读取服务器文件 使用ABAP的OPEN DATASET带FOR INPUT语句打开文件; 使用READ DATASET语句读取文件; 使用CLOSE DATASET关闭文件。 PARAMETERS p_file TYPE dxfile-filename. ...
SAPABAP语言编程手册 SAPABAP语⾔编程⼿册 第⼀章程序调试 编译任何程序最基本的技能就是对程序的调试(debugging). 所以让我们先熟悉⼀下SAP ABAP程序的调试⼿段。如何调试ABAP程序?在这本书中,我假设你使⽤的是ABAP编辑器(事务代码 SE38)开发ABAP程序。但是,如果你使⽤的是Object Navigator (...
DOWNLOAD download a file to the presentation server (PC) DYNP_VALUES_READ Read the values from a dynpro. This function can be used to read the values from a report's selection screen too (Another example). DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE Similar to DYNP_VALUES_READ, this function will allow the updatin...
Excel Upload Using RAP Application 53720 Hello Experts,We are currently facing an issue with the file upload requirement using RAP model where the business needs to upload .XLS/.XLSX file from a custom RAP application. At the moment, we have successfully built the custom RAP app, which allows...