Answer为一位字符型数据,1表示YES,2表示NO.3.根据某年某月某日得到本年本月的最后一天:call function RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS exporting day_in = sdata importing last_day_of_month = sdata exceptions day_in_no_date = 1 othe 3、rs = 2.4.传输请求:STMS(se10)选择要传输的主机名双击细节Other ...
CONCATENATEi_date(6)'01'INTOi_date1 w_dat-sign ='I'. w_dat-option ='BT'. w_dat-low = i_date1 . w_dat-high = sy-datum. APPENDw_dat . "获取上个月日期时间表 CALLFUNCTION'FIMA_DATE_CREATE' EXPORTING i_date = sy-datum i_months ='-1' i_set_last_day_of_month ='X' IMPORT...
p_months = -4."前4月,如果为正,则是后面的日期 CALL FUNCTION 'MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE' EXPORTING MONTHS = p_months OLDDATE = p_date IMPORTING NEWDATE = p_date. 获得某个日期所在的周,获得某周的第一天。 DATE_GET_WEEK 和 WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY function date_get_week. *"--- *"*"Lokale Sch...
days=0months=1signum='+'years=0IMPORTINGcalc_date=lv_months.*获得一个月的最后一天CALLFUNCTION'RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS'EXPORTINGday_in=lv_monthsIMPORTINGlast_day_of_month=lv_days*EXCEPTIONS*DAY_IN_NO_DATE=1*OTHERS=2.IFsy-subrc<>0.*Implement suitable error handling hereENDIF.IFit_zss0120a[]I...
LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS :Returns the last day of the month DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY :Check for the invalid date. DATE_2D_TO_4D_CONVERSION :Year entry: 2-character to 4-character. DAY_IN_WEEK :Input date and will give the name of the day 1-monday,2-Tuesday... Read...
= first day of this month ULTIMO = ULTIMO - 1. = last day of last month 在此 ,将上月的最后 天赋给 日期字段ULTIMO。为此 : 用当前 日期填充ULTIMO。 用指定偏移量,将 日期更改为当前月的第一天。 错误 !未找到引用源 。从ULTIMO减 1, 将其 内容更改为上月的最后 天 。在进行减法之前,系统将...
RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Determinelastdayofmonth RPY_DYNPRO_READ Readdynpro,includingscreenflow RPY_TRANSACTION_READ Givenatransaction,returntheprogramandscreenorgivenaprogramandscreen,returnthetransactionsthatusetheprogramandscreen. RS_COVERPAGE_SELECTIONS Returnsaninternaltablethatcontainsaformattedlistofallthesele...
RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHSDetermine last day of month RP_PNP_ORGSTRUCTUREShow a dialog box with the org structure displayed. User is then allowed to choose org units. Example: CALL FUNCTION 'RP_PNP_ORGSTRUCTURE' TABLES pobjid = l_pobjid. ...
RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Determine last day of month RPY_DYNPRO_READ Read dynpro, including screen flow RPY_TRANSACTION_READ Given a transaction, return the program and screen or given a program and screen, return the transactions that use the program and screen. RS_COVERPAGE_SELECTIONS Returns ...