示例2:使用 FOR 循环构造内表 REPORT zabap_new_syntax_2.DATA:lt_numbers TYPE TABLE OF i,lv_index TYPE i.START-OF-SELECTION." 使用 FOR 循环构造内表 lt_numbers=VALUE#( FOR lv_index = 1 WHILE lv_index <= 10 ( lv_index ) )." 输出内表内容 LOOP AT lt_numbers INTO DATA(ls_number)...
CREATE OBJECT lo_root_obj AREA HANDLE lo_smem_obj. <--- is this line could be written with the new syntax ?horst_keller Product and Topic Expert 2021 Nov 15 2:32 PM 0 Kudos No, There is no parameter AREA HANDLE for the NEW constructor. JPT...
Of course, there is alsoexpression enabledsyntax for grouping internal tables. In a first step, we get rid ofLOOP AT GROUPby replacing it with aFORexpression: DATA members LIKE flights. LOOP AT flights INTO DATA(flight) GROUP BY ( carrier = flight-carrid cityfr = flight-cityfrom )...
14、ey will do nothing and produce a warning from the syntax check.starting with release you declare your standard tables either with a good key or an empty key but never with the chancy default key!例 1plainview plaincopy print1.class c1 definition. 2.public section. 3.types: begin of ...
Hello, Many of you already know to work with For loop in SAP ABAP. However, those who are new to the ABAP 7.4 syntax often struggle at some places to achieve the
ABAP New Syntax Inline Declarations in ABAP 7.4 – A Definitive Guide Internal Table Expressions in ABAP 7.4 Release What is LET keyword in ABAP 7.4 Constructor Expressions in ABAP 7.4 [Part I] MOVE CORRESPONDING for Internal Tables in ABAP 7.4 FILTER operator for Internal Tables in ABAP...
2.1.Old Syntax JavaScript 1 2 3 DATAlv_nameTYPEstring. lv_name='SAPLEARNERS.COM'. 2.2.New Syntax JavaScript 1 DATA(lv_name)='SAPLEARNERS.COM'. 3.#LOOP STATEMENT 2.1.Old Syntax DATA: lw_mara TYPE ty_mara, LOOP AT lt_mara INTO lw_mara. WRITE: lw_mara-matnr,lw_mara-ernam. ......
The message appears in the status line. Then the system stops selection screen processing and returns to the selection screen itself. The screen fields specified in the additions to theAT SELECTION-SCREENstatement are now ready for input. The user must enter new values. The system then starts ...
developers for creating reports for other SAP products. For SAP R/3, ABAP played an important role as the extension and implementation language. Later on, the language evolved with new features such as object-oriented concepts and database access methods. By 2010, a lot of new syntaxes were...
ABAP 正则表达式 ABAP支持正则表达式。 支持正则表达式的语句: 1.FIND,REPLACE语句; 2.Functions:count,count_xxx,contains,find,find_xxx,match,matches,replace,substring,substring_xxx