EXPORT lv_data TO MEMORY ID 'EXAMPLE'. 在这个示例中,我们将变量 lv_data 的值存储到一个名为 'EXAMPLE' 的 ABAP Memory ID 中。我们可以在其他程序中使用 IMPORT 语句来检索这个值。 2. ABAP Memory ID 的多程序共享数据 除了在同一个程序内部共享数据,ABAP Memory ID 还可以用于在不同的程序或函数之间...
to a program which you are calling, the data needs to be placed in ABAP memory before the call is made. The internal session of the called program then replaces that of the calling program. The program called can then read from the ABAP memory. If control is then returned to the progra...
max_age 单位为秒 要超时的秒数 path 如果把路径设置成:"/" 那么cookie 可以对任何 http://www.example.com这台服务器上的页面都是可见的 (该状况下和localstorage具有同样的作用域) 如果把路径设置成:"/catalog" 那么cookie 可以对任何http://www.example.com/catalog/下面的页面都是可见的 (不能通过path来...
Example: Export hello to memory id 'Hello_world'. Import hello from memory id 'Hello_world' . Regards Sudheer Reply RichHeilman Developer Advocate 2006 Sep 22 5:53 PM 0 Kudos 4,842 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development A simple example of ABAP memory is using the EXPORT/IMPORT...
EXPORT ITAB TO MEMORY ID 'TD' 6. In AAA : IMPORT ITAB FROM MEMORY ID 'TD' This solution is independant to SUBMIT. (三)Example: 两个程序010和011,选择屏幕是一样的. 010是ALV行显示的,011是WRITE显示的.需要达到的效果是: 点击:MATNR字段则将010的选择屏幕传到011的选择屏幕中去;点击VBELN,则...
select-options SP$00001 for VBRK-VBELN memory id VF For example: The variant V1 has the value 234567 in the field SP$00001. After run the query with this variant, I will run the query again withn variant V2. In V2 the field SP$00001 is empty, but the old value (234567) is ...
These memory IDs can be accessed in the debugger, but the option isn't accessible by default in the "new" Debugger. To display them you have two options: In the new Debugger, change one of the tools you're using. Do this by clicking the "New Tool" or "Replace Tool" that you can...
example: input = 123 utput = 0000000000000。。。000000000000123 CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT – 消除数字串前的0 example: input = 00000000000123 utput = 123 CONVERT_OTF –将SAP文档(SAP Script)转换成其他类型。 example: CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF' ...
I am betting the answer will be "technical reasons" as in the cast iron truth I kept hearing when I was fourteen that was "text compression will never be able to reduce the memory size of a file by more than 50% for technical reasons". retired_member Product and Topic Expert 2018...