Create web service in CRM Webclient UI (1) log on CRM Web UI with business role SERVICEPRO, work center Service Operation, Create a new Web service: Choose Material as Business Object, choose Product/Individual Product as Component, Product as Root object. Mark check box Read, Create and Ch...
下图是SAP CRM的WebUI,大家能发现第一行记录的最后一列Associated Object为空。经过确认,在后台数据库表里存在该列对应的记录,那么引起这个问题的根源一定是从数据库读出该条记录后进行渲染时发生了异常。 因为使用事务码ST22没有查找到对应的dump记录,说明运行时抛出的异常被框架捕捉到了。然而UI并没有任何错误消息...
With SAP standard solution so far in CRM7.0 EHP3, this is not possible since this work item does not have any BOR type but instead modeled via ABAP class /IPRO/CL_WFL_DOCUMNT. What’s more, the target document page is built via ABAP webdynpro which has not respective concept like UI...
In this blog I will create a web service which is exposed via Genil model PROD in CRM web client UI and consume it via a simple ABAP program. Create web service in CRM Webclient UI (1) log on CRM Web UI with business role SERVICEPRO, work center Service Operation, Create a new Web ...
(1) log on CRM Web UI with business role SERVICEPRO, work center Service Operation, Create a new Web service: Choose Material as Business Object, choose Product/Individual Product as Component, Product as Root object. Mark check box Read, Create and Change. ...
1、 CRM WebClient是完全基于ABAP Stack之上的(SAP WAS中包含ABAP 跟J2EE两个运行环境,CRM WebClient只需要ABAB环境即可); 2、 CRM WebClient UI是采用SAP的BSP(Business Server Page)技术实现的; 3、 BSP是ABAP代码(ABAP code)与BSP扩展(BSP extensions)的混合; ...
you can also use the reuse component GSURLPOPUP, which can achieve the same result but with different html markup. After I finish it, I soon realized that in this dedicated case, it is possible to “navigate” to the target ABAP webdynpro page via CRM navigation framework itself....
我个人认为灵活掌握了这些方法,不仅仅对于在SAPGUI环境的排错,还是对于在Web环境,比如Fiori或者WebClient UI, 都是很有用的。往往有的朋友反映CRM中间件里报得很多错误信息都不是特别有用,看了之后仍然不知道从哪里入手来避免。我一般处理这种问题的办法就是通过本文介绍的方法找到具体哪一行代码抛出的错误信息,然后在...
在CRM的开发中,发生错误警告时,往往不使用MESSAGE 关键字直接报错,而是使用特定的方法,将MESSAGE collect起来,在屏幕上端的message list中列出来。当错误修改后,对应的message将消失。一般使用函数 CRM_MESSAGE_COLLECT来积累message而是使用函数 CRM_MESSAGES_DELETE来删除message...