l Explicit(显示) Type creation factory methodCREATE( ) in RTTS classes structType = CL_ABAP_STRUCTDESCR=>create( compTab ). 动态创建内表Dynamic Creation of Table Types 这些默认的值是该类中定义的常量,可以直接使用 动态创建引用类型Dynamic Creation of Reference Types 动态创建结构类型Dynamic Creation ...
append p_cond to itab_cond.*get the data of dynamic tableSELECT* from (p_tab_nm) into <lfs_st> UPTO1ROWS where (itab_cond).ENDSELECT.*writewrite:/10‘Using ”Component Name” to output’. lw_name=‘CARRID’.ASSIGNCOMPONENTlw_nameOFSTRUCTURE<lfs_st> to <lfs_field>. write:/10lw...
CREATEDATAobjektTYPE(tabnam). ASSIGNobjekt->*TO<aber>. SELECT*FROM(tabnam)INTO<aber>. NEW-LINE. tab=1. DO. ASSIGNCOMPONENTsy-indexOFSTRUCTURE<aber>TO<feld>. IFsy-subrcNE0.EXIT.ENDIF. WRITEATtab(10)<feld>. ADD11TOtab. ENDDO. ENDSELECT. TOP-OF-PAGE. DATAstrukturTYPEREFTOcl_abap_...
CREATE DATA objekt TYPE (tabnam). ASSIGN objekt->* TO <aber>. SELECT * FROM (tabnam) INTO <aber>. NEW-LINE. tab = 1. DO. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <aber> TO <feld>. IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF. WRITE AT tab(10) <feld>. ADD 11 TO tab. ENDDO. ENDSELECT....
(sales tax, feder 如何用 ABAP 代码的方式在短时间内批量生成大量订单数据用 于性能测试 Package: CRMS4_TEST_DATA_GENERATION - Carsten's original report (1) API: BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA (2) BP report: CRMS4_HOME_CREATE_BPS (3) Service Order: CRMS4_HOME_CREATE_ORDERS 涉及到的一些数...
** Adopt or change the type of a field dynamically at runtime ** Access components of a structure (from Release 4.5A) Point to lines of an internal table (process internal tables without a separate work area) Field symbols in ABAP are similar to pointers in other programming languages. ...
SAP R/3 ABAP 开发过程中一些总结,1、ST05是用于在开发ABAP程序时,对应事务码取得的字段是“数据结构”而不是“透明表”的时候,通过ST05的“SQL跟踪”来获得相关“Select”的语句;一般查看“REC”列耗时比较多的“Select”语句; 2、跟踪时如果有涉及到“数量”这类有对
" returns "str"Converting to abap structuredata: begin of ls_payload, text type string, num type i, bool type abap_bool, false type abap_bool, null type string, table type string_table, " Array ! end of ls_payload. payload->to_abap( importing ev_container = ls_payload )....
Since the announcement of availability of ABAP Eclipse to enable developers to use Eclipse environment for development, i was quite excited to install and have a look at this new tool. But installing and making it to function took me through lot of hurdles, though the SAP documentation provides...
This blog will introduce a handy RTTC tool to generate any kind of complex data type in the runtime and demonstrate how to access the variable with that data type dynamically using field symbol. one example: I need to define a variable with the following data type. The structure of the ...