DATA(lv_amount_ext) TYPE string. " 外部货币 CONVERT AMOUNT lv_amount INTO lv_amount_ext. " 转换为外部货币字符串 ``` 四、数量转换 在ABAP 中,数量转换也是一种常见的内外部单位转换。以前,我们通常使用函数模块 CONVERT_QUANTITY_TO_EXTERNAL 将内部数量转换为外部数量。现在,ABAP 提供了更方便的语法,即...
答:MENGE实际上是个存储度量衡值的字段,他的基本数据类型是QUAN,他的小数位数并不是你看到的3,而是由这个字段关联的度量衡单位决定的,以MENGE为例,你可以在SE11的最右边一个Tab页,Currency/Quantity Fields里看到,他关联的单位是EKPO-MEINS DATA:i_mengeLIKEekpo-menge, i_meinsLIKEekpo-meins, i_meins2TYPE c...
I need to cast a data but i don't kow how to do it in ABAP. Actually, I have a variable typed QUAN (quantity i guess) and i want to concatenate it in a String variable. That's not possible. The solution i've found is to move the Quan variable to a temporary String variable....
DATA: str TYPE string VALUE '600000'.CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT'EXPORTING input= str IMPORTING output= vbeln."⾃动输出转换,输出最初始数据,但程序内部已发⽣变化 WRITE: / vbeln."600000 15.2.数量⼩位数格式化 WRITE UNIT .该语句根据Unit 来设置<f>的⼩数位数(即保留⼩数...
prefix, which is consistent with natural language usage. If the attribute you want to describe is a quantity (usually an internal table in ABAP), this should be expressed using the plural. For example, the matches parameter of the cl
QUAN: Quantity. Equivalent to an amount field DEC. A field of this type must always refer to a units field with UNIT format (reference field). The maximum length for this data type is 31 places.RAW: Uninterpreted byte string. Fields of type RAW may have only a maximum length of 255 ...
dateformat convert date string to isoDate I would like convert date string to isoDate this node-dateformat module but i've error : TypeError: Invalid date My code : Any idea about this problem ? Thank you :) This is an i18n based date parsing... ...
如果读取服务器上的文档模板,用 cl_bds_document_set 类,将 business document set 缩写为 bds,bds 用于管理要操作的文档,可以包含一个或多个文档。 DOI-打开 Excel 实例化 container control、container 和 Document Proxy DATA:GO_CONTROLTYPEREFTOI_OI_CONTAINER_CONTROL, ...
@Semantics.quantity.unitOfMeasure: 'DistanceUnit' _Connection.Distance as Distance, _Connection.DistanceUnit as DistanceUnit, Add the following to your service definition, Z_EXPOSE_TRAVEL_R_XXX. CDS Copy expose /DMO/I_Connection as Connection; Optional: Test your Fiori Elements preview again. ...
The assignment of the field containing quantity amounts to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the reference field determines the quantity unit of the amount.What is the significance of Technical settings (specified while creating a table in the data dictionary)?By...