lv_concat= concat_lines_of( table = lt_c sep ='&').WRITE:/lv_concat."escape"语法:escape( val = text format = format )"format: CL_ABAP_FORMAT类中"E_xxx""在不同格式化语言中,特殊字符转换"XML,HTML,JS,URL等DATA:lv_escapeTYPEstring.DATA:lv_escape1TYPEstringVALUE'& < > "''TAB LF ...
连接内表各行 concat_lines_of( [table =] t [sep = s] ) 将内表<t> 各行以为分隔符连接布尔运算 boolc( logical-expression) 如逻辑表达式为真,返回„X‟ 否则返回„ ‟ boolx( bit = i bool = logical-expression) 返回值为一个Byte, 如果逻辑表达式结果为真,则此Byte第i位置1,否则置0 ...
Für das Verketten der Zeilen einer internen Tabelle steht die eingebaute Funktion concat_lines_of zur Verfügung. Die ABAP-Laufzeitumgebung führt eine interne Optimierung zur Reduzierung der Neuzuweisungen aus, wenn innerhalb einer Schleife an einen vorhandenen String rechts neue Fragmente ...
To concatenate rows in an internal table, you can use the predefined function concat_lines_of. The ABAP runtime environment executes an internal optimization to reduce reallocations if new fragments are attached to an existing string within a loop. Addition 1 ... IN {CHARACTER|BYTE} MODE ...
It is also possible to concatenate lines from internal tables into a string to avoid a loop. A more modern way is to use the string function concat_lines_of.Syntax examples:"&& and string template DATA(s1) = `AB` && `AP`. "ABAP DATA(s2) = `ab` && `ap` && ` ` && s1. "ab...
APPEND LINES OF [FROM <n1>] [TO <n2>] TO .如果没有 FROM 和 TO 选项,该语 句将整个表 格 ITAB1 附加到 ITAB2中。如果使 用这些选项 ,则可通过 索引 <n1>或 <n2> 指定 ITAB1 中要附加的 第一或最后 一行。用该方式将 表格行附加 到另一个表 格中的速度 比在循环中 逐行进行附 加快...
If I understand your question correctly, you can use the built-in function CONCAT(arg1, arg2) for CDS views in this form: concat( char1, char2 ) as r_concat, as you can see in the example there, you need to cast your inputs to char type first in order to use the concat ...
LINES( itab ) 内表的行数 7. 删字符串中的空格: CONDENSE text [NO-GAPS]. 8. 大小写转换,字符变换 TRANSLATE text {TO {UPPER|LOWER} CASE} | {USING pattern}. eg: text = `Barbcbdbarb`. TRANSLATE text USING 'ABBAabba'. =>'Abracadabra' ...
Note that this includes host variables and host expressions as operands of SQL expressions. The following SQL functions can be used in SQL expressions now: ROUND, CONCAT, LPAD, LENGTH, REPLACE, RIGHT, RTRIM, SUBSTRING. The COALESCE function can have up to 255 arguments now. As an example of...
SAP ABAP-OPENSQL-日期/时间戳函数 1、日期和时间是两个字段,比如要查询2020/10/28 08:40:00到 2020/10/28 17:02:00的数据 DATA: lt_data TYPETABLE OF cdhdr.SELECT FROM cdhdrWHERE CAST ( concat( udate, utime ) As NUMc( 14 ) ) > 20201028084000 A... 文章...