在常规的ABAP CDS内我们可以使用CONCAT函数,但是使用它的时候,我们需要定义固定数量的字段,既然CDS视图不能实现此处需要的处理动态逻辑,要如何处理呢? 这是一个使用ABAP CDS Table Function的绝佳场景,因为我们可以使用简单的数据库函数STRING_AGG(String Aggregation)。这个功能在SQL Script中可用,但是目前还是不支持ABAP...
The CDS source code of a CDS table function does not need to have the same name as the CDS table function, but it is advisable to use the name of the CDS table function. After a piece of CDS source code is transported, the combination of its name and the name of the CDS table fun...
注意:table function应永远有返回参数,所以记着在最后一个SELECT语句前放一个RETURN语句。另外,注意我们将字段名转换为前文中ABAP CDS Table Function声明的字段名,如果你没有提供一个合适的别名,激活的时候编译器会给出提示。 类ZCL_FLIGHTS_DEMO_CDS的最终版本是这样的: CLASS zcl_flights_demo_cds DEFINITION PUB...
code2define tablefunctionzdemo_flight_cds_tfwithparameters iv_carrid :s_carr_idreturns { mandt: s_mandt; carrid: s_carr_id; connid: s_conn_id; countryfr: land1; cityfrom: s_from_cit; airpfrom: s_fromairp; countryto: land1; cityto: s_to_city; airpto: s_toairp; } implemen...
If you access a CDS view or CDS table function with parameters annotated as such in Open SQL, you can (and for #CLIENT you even must) leave away the explicit parameter passing. Open SQL implicitly passes the contents of the respective system fields for you! Example View @AbapCatalog.sqlVie...
这是一个使用ABAP CDS Table Function的绝佳场景,因为我们可以使用简单的数据库函数STRING_AGG(String Aggregation)。这个功能在SQL Script中可用,但是目前还是不支持ABAP CDS视图。 开发 编辑生成的实体,包含以下内容: 结果应该是: definetable function ZDEMO_FLIGHTS_TABLE_FUNCTION ...
The obsolete annotation @ClientDependent cannot be specified together with the annotation @ClientHandling.type.ClientHandling Annotations Control of the client handling for the CDS table function. Annotation Meaning Annotation Values Default Value if Not Used Default Value if Used Without Value Client...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_SYST' @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED define view demo_cds_system_fields with parameters @Environment.systemField : #CLIENT p_mandt : syst_mandt, @Environment.systemField : #SYSTEM_DATE ...
Suitable fields of a data source data_source of the current CDS view. Path expressions that identify a suitable field of a data source data_source. Input parameters from the parameter list parameter_list. The following predefined functions and expressions (if they return a matching type): ...
ABAP 7.5x Quick Reference and CDS Views 7.5x Quick Reference now available! Contents Inline Declarations Table Expressions Conversion Operator CONV Value Operator VALUE FOR operator Reduction operator REDUCE Conditional operators COND and SWITCH CORRESPONDING operator Strings Loop at Group By Classes/Method...