REPORTZTOM_LEANING2."SUBMIT"语法:*SUBMIT {rep|(name)} [selscreen_options]*[list_options]*[job_options]*[AND RETURN]."[selscreen_options]:*[USING SELECTION-SCREEN dynnr]*[VIA SELECTION-SCREEN]*[selscreen_parameters]"[USING SELECTION-SCREEN dynnr]:指定调用Executable Program,不知道默认1000"[VIA...
SUBMIT<program>AND RETURN:中断(不终止)当前运行的程序,启动新的被调用程序<program>,当<program>运行完后,控制权又返回到被中断的调用程序,继续执行 CALL TRANSACTION<TCode>:可以插入一个具有事务代码的ABAP程序,中断当前运行的程序,待被调程序执行完后,再继续执行主调程序 SUBMIT<program>:结束当前运行的程序,启...
Here is how the simple version of dynamic call. If you notice, I’m passing three parameters when I call the Dynamic FM using the CALL FUNCTION. FM ZTEST_NP_SQUARE_AREA has only one parameter. FM ZTEST_NP_RECTANGLE_AREA has two parameters. The third parameter doesn’t exist in any of...
Line 19-20:We can use the parameters p1, p2.. in CDS Views using the syntax :p1 or $parameters:p1 6.Now we will see how to call the ABAP CDS views with input parameters in an ABAP program using Open SQL statement. Create an ABAP program in eclipse ADT or SE38-ABAP编辑器 transact...
形参(formal parameters): 子例程定义期间用FORM语句定义的参数实参(actual parameters): 子例程调用期间用PERFORM语句指定的参数 参数传递方式 代码语言:javascript 复制 参数传递: 将主程序变量传递给子例程形式参数传递类型:值传:子例程中参数变量的值的改变,不影响外部程序实际变量的值引用传:若子例程中的参数变量的...
When you call a logical database using the function module LDB_PROCESS, its selection screen is not displayed. Instead, you fill the selections using the interface parameters of the function module. The logical database does not trigger any GET events in the calling program, but passes the ...
Application programs that use SAP memory must do so using SPA/GPA parameters (also known as SET/GET parameters). These parameters can be set either for a particular user or for a particular program at the time of logon using the SET PARAMETER statement. Other ABAP programs can then retrieve...
Go back to RSMODPRF and run the program without parameters. Use the push buttons to assign the screen, 'A' and program. Use the drop down to activate the field list. This should now work, but there is no way of debugging. For further information look at OSS 29377 ...
as the database table dbtab □ C A table variable with the same content as the database table dbtab □ D A structure variable with the same structure as a dbtab row 9. By which elements of the ABAP Dictionary can you set the type for a structure variable within the program?
and call it say ty_mytab you could do a conversion using CONV: TYPES ty_mytab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t001w WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY fabkl. SELECT * FROM t001w INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_t001w). DATA(lt_new_tab) = CONV ty_mytab( lt_t001w ). However, this does not save you any time/...