Thesebeautiful abandoned placesweren’t always this way. At some point, people occupied them and were full of life. It can be hard to picture whatghost townsused to look like, but here are some reasons why they might have been evacuated. ...
Small Towns, Ruins, Monuments. Experiences and Perspectives of Research on Abandoned Historic Centers in Italydoi:10.14633/AHR245The conservation of abandoned urban sites, increasingly widespread all over the Italian territory and mainly along the mountain slopes, represents a complex cultural challenge ...
Below us vast stretches of empty country become crisscrossed by roads along which towns sprout. At night they look like gleaming drops of dew on spider web strands.Here and there these grow and merge, glowing far into their surroundings by night. Above all this, the Moon is examined by te...
Developers have (at last) realised that people looking to own in Italy want a property that's as authentic as possible, so they're buying entire abandoned villages and turning them into modern homes with ancient credentials.Latham, Laura
Kelly and Jesse Galloway from Australia, who have been divorced since 2013, purchased Palazzo Menichelli in Italy’s central Lazio region for $132,700 in 2020.
Kelly and Jesse Galloway from Australia, who have been divorced since 2013, purchased Palazzo Menichelli in Italy’s central Lazio region for $132,700 in 2020.