This school on the other hand was still equipped with heaps of the black gold – probably the Advantage of being located in a mining town and not hundreds of kilometers away from the source. But first things first. When approaching the abandoned Mining Town School the whole exploration didn...
Water samples for chemical analyses were collected from 13 drainage adits of abandoned coal mines in the study area showing ochreous precipitates (thickness of the precipitates > 1 mm) (Figs.2and3). Water samples were collected at the same sites as ochreous precipitate samples. All precipit...
Coelho P, Silva S, Roma-Torres J, Costa C, Henriques A, Teixeira J, Mayan O (2007) Health impact of living near an abandoned mine—case study: Jales mines. Int J Hyg Environ Health 210:399–402 Article CAS Google Scholar Concas A, Patteri C, Cincotti A, Cao G (2004) Metal cont...
Qiu G, Feng X, Wang S, Shang L (2005) Mercury and methylmercury in riparian soil, sediments mine-waste calcines, and moss from abandoned Hg mines in east Guizhou province, southwestern China. Appl Geochem 20(3):627–638 Article CAS Google Scholar Schwesig D, Krebs O (2003) The role...
Firstly, the survey sample was exclusively drawn from abandoned mines in Ganzhou City. And the sample size is small, which may cause potential subjective perception bias. To enhance the generalizability of the findings, future research should consider including residents living near rehabilitated ...
Avanza, although concentrations from hundreds to thousands of ng/m3 are frequently reported in sites characterised by notably elevated Hg contents in substrates, such as near larger former Hg mines and cinnabar roasting plants (e.g. Ao et al. 2017; Fornasaro et al. 2022; Higueras et al. ...
0 WTahteerreskairinegseveral anthro2p.4ogenic lakes used 3a.1s freshwater reserv27o.i6rs in the Czech R0epublic, especMiaallryroinninlgarge gravel san1d1.0mines in southern9.M4 oravia near Ostr1o2ž.s2ká Nová Ves vil3la3ge [72]. DrinkPCiincagnmiwcpkiainntgegr is also abstrac42t20...
The dataset was acquired using a PXRF instrument (Innov-X DELTA Handheld XRF analyzer; Olympus, Japan) equipped with a gold anode as the excitation source and a silicon drift detector. This PXRF instrument operates at 40 kV and 0.1 mA. Using a hand auger, surface soil samples were taken ...
A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in China: Pollution and health risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 2014, 468, 843–853. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 19. Brauns, B.; Bjerg, P.L.; Song, X.; Jakobsen, R. Field scale interaction and nutrient exchange between surface water ...