Because of the quarry activities, there wasn’t any vegetation in sight by the early 1900s. That slowly began to change as nature naturally took over once the areas were abandoned by the people working them. Greenery slowly began taking over with water also filling up the pits. Years...
2005). The primary control over GEM evasion into the atmosphere is exerted by the presence of volatile Hg compounds and Hg concentrations in the substrate. Hence, high volumes of Hg-bearing minerals in Hg mining areas usually lead to the notable stimulation of Hg emission (Agnan et al., ...
730 Accesses 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Seed dispersal is a crucial process for the dynamics and maintenance of plant populations. Free-ranging animals are effective dispersal vectors because they can move between similar habitats and transport seeds into favourable environments. Dung sampl...
4501 Accesses 94 Citations 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract The lack of awareness for timely management of the environment surrounding a metal mine site results in several adverse consequences such as rampant business losses, abandoning the bread-earning mining industry, domestic instability and...
28k Accesses 10 Altmetric 1 Mention Explore all metrics Abstract Pilot heat pump systems have been installed at two former collieries in Yorkshire/Derbyshire, England, to extract heat from mine water. The installations represent three fundamental configurations of heat exchanger. At Caphouse Colliery,...
2322 Accesses 46 Citations 5 Altmetric 11 Mentions Explore all metrics Abstract The discharges of uranium and associated radionuclides as well as heavy metals and metalloids from waste and tailing dumps in abandoned uranium mining and processing sites pose contamination risks to surface and groundwater...