Partner with 3Q Abacus to open an innovative educational center for children in your community. Start your own franchise and bring a fresh approach to kids' learning today. Offline ClassesActive CommunityExperienced Mentors Register hereExplore Courses + 435 others have partnered with us until now Wh...
Duration - 3 to 6 months, with twice-in-a-week classes of one hour each. BENEFITS OF ABACUS Mastermind Abacus training develops dynamic number sense in children. The specific game-based technique keeps kids engaged. It removes the fear of math right from childhood. Other than Mental Math, ...
Duration - 3 to 6 months, with twice-in-a-week classes of one hour each. BENEFITS OF ABACUS Mastermind Abacus training develops dynamic number sense in children. The specific game-based technique keeps kids engaged. It removes the fear of math right from childhood. Other than Mental Math, ...