1.正向强化(Positive Reinforcement):通过提供积极的奖励或回馈,增加想要的行为出现的频率和持续时间。 2.消除负向强化(Negative Reinforcement):通过取消或避免不愉快的刺激,来增加想要的行为出现的频率和持续时间。 3.惩罚(Punishment):通过提供不愉快的刺激,来减少不想要的行为出现的频率和持续时间。 4.尝试和错误(...
正增强(Positive reinforcement)一行为之出现伴随著增加该行为出现频率之后果. 负增强(Negative reinforcement)当环境中令人不悦的条件被移除或降低强度时, 导致一特定行为出现之机率增加. 处罚(Punishment)行为之产生伴随著一导致未来该行为出现率降低之后果. 消失(Extinction)先前作为增强之条件无法再持续其增强作用,导致...
Discrimination And Operant Conditioning 歧视与操作制约 Discriminative stimuli have control over a particular behavior because the behavior is reliably reinforced throughpositive or negative reinforcement and punishmentwhen the stimuli present and not when they are absent. 区辨性刺激对特定行为具有控制力,因为...
Discriminative stimuli have control over a particular behavior because the behavior is reliably reinforced through positive or negative reinforcement and punishment when the stimuli present and not when they are absent.区辨性刺激对特定行为具有控制力,因为这种行为可靠地通过正面或负面的强化和...
positive punishment (SP+) 1. The occurrence of a behavior2. is followed by the addition of a stimulus or event3. which results in weakening of behavior negative punishment (SP-) 1. The occurrence of behavior2. is followed by the removal of a stimulus3. which results in weakening of beha...
Punishment#·*· 惩罚/惩罚 惩罚(作用) 意指在某行为出现之后立即产生一个刺激改变,此刺激改变会减少该类行为未来在类似情境中的出现频率。 见负惩罚(Negative punishment)、正惩罚(positive punishment) 行为之后的结果,它导致这一行为在未来出现的可能性降低的过程。 Pure-stimulus act 纯刺激性动作 Purpose 目的 ...
Terminology: Positive and Negative Punishment 17個詞語 kittycatlofi 預覽 bio anth midterm 2 102個詞語 isbu6634 預覽 Overview of Invertebrate Animal Diversity 53個詞語 sarrrah_diaz 預覽 MouseGenetics2SE Gizmos Worksheet 32個詞語 sarahwong1715 預覽 Psych Chap. 6 20個詞語 KelindaGary 預覽 Invertebrat...
The potential for creating a context that generates undesired behaviors B and D ? ABA Study Group 2017 43 The potential negative side effects (e.g., crying, running away) of negative reinforcement are similar to the side effects associated with: (cooper) Punishment Positive reinforcement Negative...
positive (obtaining desired stimuli) or negative (escape/avoid undesired stimuli) reinforcement. (also known as “discriminative stimuli”) are different types of antecedents to behavior/consequent contingencies. precedes a given behavior. Antecedent Interventions with Jeanne Luis BCBA ...