The levels of AsA in roots displayed a significant increment in Q2 (by 85.89%) and Z2 (by 237.39%) compared with Q0 and Z0, respectively; which was further enhanced by ABA in Q3 (by 37.16%) and Z3 (by 14.30%), respectively in the initial 2 days of salt stress (Fig.8a, b). ...
Number of segmented nuclei at each timepoint from left to right: n = 570, 623, 610, 602. c, nlsABACUS2–400n in Col-0 and cyp707a1cyp707a3 root tip emission ratios under ABA pulsing. Points represent the mean, shaded area represents the 95% confidence interval. Dashed lines ...
Evolutionary distances were computed using the p-distance method, and are presented as the number of amino acid differences per site. The rate variation among sites was modeled with a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 1). This analysis included 71 amino acid sequences, and all ambiguous ...
To make a release of fed simply open a pull request withCHANGELOG.mdandversion.goupdated with the next version number and details. You'll also need to push the tag (i.e.git push origin v1.0.0) to origin in order for CI to make the release. ...
The RNA sequencing data for both drought stress and non-drought stress tiger nut samples were deposited in the SRA database at the NCBI under accession number PRJNA975975. All other data and material analyzed in the current study are included in the manuscript and the supplementary information.Ab...
integer: Must be of type number and an integer. float: Must be of type number and a floating point number. array: Must be an array as determined by Array.isArray. object: Must be of type object and not Array.isArray. enum: Value must exist in the enum. date: Value must be valid...
萨abanPCD1.B1000-A20 E-Line RIO 4DI 10位通道输入信号模组说明书 1Data sheet 31-143 ENG09 | Datasheet | PCD1.B1000-A20 E-Line S-Serie RIO PCD1.B1000-A20E-Line RIO 4DI, 10Rel Starting with FW 1.08.xx f S-Bus protocol optimized for ...
Catalysis and substrate specificity of KCSs in the elongation steps of carbon chains involved in the synthesis of VLCFAs in Arabidopsis [13]. Numbers represent the number of carbon units of VLCFAs Full size image QsMYB1 (Quercus suber) was reported to target twoQsKCSinvolved in suberin biosynt...
We also compared the DEGs between the bud 3 samples of these two RNA-seq experiments given the differences in the growth of these buds from the different experiments (FigureS1B and Fig.1D), and surprisingly found a large number of significant DEGs. There were about 4700 DEGs when comparing ...
The device comes from the factory with a pre-programmed center frequency within the range of 100 kHz FOUT 250 MHz, as specified by the 6-digit code in the part number. (See section “7. Ordering Information” for more information.) To change from the factory-programmed ...